Chapter 12: Love-Struck Evie

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I walked into my next class luckily it was with Evie unluckily she became love-struck over Chad. I sat on her right side while Doug sat on her left. I was taking notes and so was he, but she was to busy staring at Chad. "Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?" She asked dreamily. I mentally barfed. "Chad, Prince Charming Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?" Doug explained I nodded my head which he took as a win giving me a small smile which I didn't return.

"Looks there there to me" Evie said resting her head on her hand. "Evie!" The professor called taking her out of her day dream. "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" He asked the second he said average I knew she would fail. No offense to one of my best friends."Uh, well, not very much its and atom, right?" She giggled when she saw no one move she stood up.I noticed she brought her mirror with her hiding it in her palm.

"Lets see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver. That would be 106.905 times .5200 plus 108.905 times .4800. Which Mr. Delay would give us 107.9 Amu." I watched her write the equation on the board, Doug was checking her work on his own paper. When she said 'amu' he looked up and mouthed the word, clearly dumbfounded by the way she pronounced it. "I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate-" he was stopped as Evie stood in front of him. "A villain? Dont make it again." She said throwing the piece of chalk at him and walking away.

After school ended I decided to go to the tourney field and watch Ben and Carlos practice. Actually I just went for some reading time, but still. It was going okay until the worst thing possible happened. "Okay Carlos we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?" Ben asked. I heard a dog bark, and looked up just in time to see Carlos book it with the dog behind him. "CARLOS!" I yelled I put my book down and ran after him Ben not far behind. I lost sight of him in the trees and Ben had caught up to me and we started looking for him. "CARLOS?" Ben yelled at the trees. "BEN?! BEN!" Carlos exclaimed. He was balancing on a big tree root the dog waiting till he fell down.

"Ben! Help him that things a killer!" I yelled at him making Carlos whimper. "He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat!" Carlos said struggling to stay on. "This is a vicious rabid pack animal!" Carlos yelled pointing at it. "Hey, who told you that?" Ben asked us. "My mother" "his mother" we said at the same time. "Cruella?" Ben said as if he didn't hand pick us, due to our own parentage.

"Shes a dog expert. A dog yellerer." Carlos said. Ben bent down and picked up the creature, I took several steps back. "Why are you holding him he's gonna attack you!?" Carlos asked. "Carlos, Y/n, you've never actually met a dog before have you?" He asked us. "Of course not." He said answering for us both. "Dude, meet Carlos, and Y/n!" Ben said holding it up to us. "Guys, this is Dude he's the campus mutt" Ben said. Carlos took a step forward. "He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal" Carlos said petting the thing. "Jeez you're a good boy aren't you?" He asked it. "Y/n come here!" Carlos took my hand and placed it on Dude. I felt a warm sensation fill my body, so I kept petting the dog.

"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island" Ben said looking at the ground in shame. "Yeah. . ." I said looking down. "Lets just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs." Carlos said rubbing Dudes stomach. "Good boy. I mean your a good runner. You're-you're fast you know?" Ben said, but Carlos was now holding Dude and nothing was getting into his brain. "Oh yeah" Carlos said. "Thank you" he sounded at peace and I felt happy. "Listen will give you guys some space, yeah?" I said grabbing Ben on the wrist and dragging him off.

Once we were out of the woods I started walking off but then Ben pulled me aside. "What happened on the isle that makes Carlos react to a dog like that?" He asked me. "Everything. . . You have to understand that us isle kids didn't have any of this we think this is paradise." I said looking down. "Oh okay" he said sadly. I walked off and saw Doug sitting in the bleachers looking through the seats.

"Um, Doug whatcha doing?" I asked him. "Waiting for Evie and Chad duh" thats right I almost forgot to spy on them. "Oh thanks for reminding me" I said. I looked through the gap revealing Evie and Chad walking in through the right side. "Is everybody at home as pretty as you?" Chad asked her making her laugh. "I like to think I'm the fairest of them all" me and Doug both faked vomiting at the same time. "How many rooms are in your castle?" Evie asked. "Oh! Too many to count" he said grinning. I rolled my eyes and stared at his stupid face. "You really nailed that chemistry problem today. You're gonna have all the nerds in love with you." I looked at Doug and he noticed. I gave him the look and he blushed. Yep he liked her.

"I'm not that smart" she said. "Oh come on" Chad exclaimed. "No, really, I'm not. But I'm-I'm really good with cooking and sewing and cleaning. You know like your mother Cinderella." She said smiling again. She took out her mirror. "See this? If I ask it where something is, it tells me" she said he took it from her. "Where's my cellphone?!" He asked into it like a phone.

"It won't work for you silly" she said putting it back in her purse and chuckling. "No biggie my dad will just get me a new one" he said to her. "Prince Charming!" She said excitedly. "Yeah" he said staring at her eyes. "And Cinderella" she said moving closer. "Yeah." He moved closer as well. "Fairy godmother. Hey, I heard her wand is in some boring museum. Do they always leave it there?" There lips were an inch away when he pulled away.

"I'd really like to talk, but. . . I'm just swamped" he said sighing turning his back to her. "Unless. . ." He said turning back around, an eager look in his eye. "Unless?" Evie asked. "If you could knock all my homework out with yours, then maybe we could get together some time. . ." He said taking off his backpack and handing it to her. "Hang." He said putting on a fake smile. "Okay." She said smiling. "Thanks babe" he said before running away. "Yeah. . ." Evie said staring at his backpack happily.

"I couldn't help, but over hear-" Doug said sliding between the two rows of seats under the bleachers. "Are you stalking me?" She asked him sternly. "Technically. . . Yes" he said. I slide through the gap as well. "I am too. By the way he definitely just wants you to do his homework Eve" I said she looked shocked but pleased that she wasn't alone with Doug. "I, too have a fascination with fairy godmothers wand." He said looking between us I gulped thinking our cover was blown. "Which is another reason I look forward to the coronation" wait-why would that make him excited? "Perhaps we could sit next to eachother and discuss its attributes?" He said I suddenly appeared invisible so I spoked up on a thought I had.

"Are you saying they use it in the coronation?" I asked. He turned to me with an annoyed expression clearly he wanted it to only be him and Evie. "Yes. . ." He said then turned back to Evie. "And asking you out" he said to her. I laughed at how dumb he sounded. Evie chuckled to and we walked off arm in arm.

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