2 - long trip home

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Once there was a knock on the door, I rushed over and opened it, my heart pounding in my chest with a million thoughts singing in my head and my body tightening up with nervousness. I took a deep breath before opening it up, clasping to the door handle.

Michael stood with a casual smile and dull, tired eyes, looking so handsomely in casual clothes. His hair was a mess and needed a trim, stubble shading along his jawline and a bandage around his left arm.

"Wow." I was at a lost of words by the sight of him, with the glowing light of the sun beaming down making him seem heavenly, as if he was an angel, my angel. Without a second to think, I flung myself, full body, into his arms. Arms around him like a claw machine, body pressed against him as if he was my pillow and my face into his chest, smiling as much, it felt so natural.

"I missed you, babe." His words grumble into my ear.

"I missed you so much, I can't believe you came." I looked up at him, seeing his blue eyes bright up with pure happiness as if there was nothing brighter in his light than seeing me. His eyes perfectly beautiful within the sun.

"Hey, baby girl." I heard the voice of a woman that I'd missed. A strong and proud voice that she could only do with her beautiful charms and sensual beauty. She broke our moment of glaring into each other eyes and parted me from Michael. I rushed to her wrapping my arms arm her and squealed as she spun me around. She was dazzling in a gorgeous dress that complimented her. "How have you been, darling?"

"Been better, but it doesn't matter now." I exclaimed excitedly, hugging her tightly. "Why did you come along?"

"Wasn't at work and needed to get out of the house. After having a child, I really couldn't do much but be there for my baby girl." Her words didn't seem real to me. She had a child? Did she? Did they? I expected it to happen, but I didn't think she would someday be pregnant or have children. They did it, did they? All the running thought tightened my chest, shallowing my breathing.

"You had a child? Wow, congratulations." I smiled, parting from her. "It's been a year and 4 months and so much has chanced."

"Michael didn't tell you?" We looked at Michael who grabbed my bags and put them in the car's boot, getting out a baby bottle and a small towel.

"Who's a hungry little girl?" Michael cooed at the baby, undoing her from her seat. The baby laughed, trying to grab him in excitement to see him. She babbled, trying to move around.

"She loves Micheal. He's been real help and I can't thank him enough for all he has done." Roselyn gushed.

Michael took a baby, a baby looking like 4 or 5 even might 6-month-old, of the car seat and sat inside of the car, but the girl giggled and squealed, trying to grab and move around as she can.

"How have your adventures been? Michael told me you met new friends." He told her things, clearly have got closer with her due to the little one. Was this why he haven't been bothering to answer because he was having a kid with Roselyn?

"I learned a lot skills, gained a hobby and improved my painting skills. I was involved with community projects, school events to church events. My grandparents are very involved around the town and wanted me to at least gain experience by being here." I explained only the good parts.

Kyle came out of the house and walked to us.

"Friends wise, only one but he's not really friend..."

"Hey, (y/n)." He got to my side, without looking at me, similar height as me, making it very hard for him to not look my away. "Your grandparents are going to be in the hospital for a couple of days. It doesn't look good but your grandma is stable for now. I told them you were to go home."

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