5 - dining out

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(I spent a while writing this, only for my internet to go off, none of it saving and having to rewrite it all again. It really drained all of my want to write anything. It's not my highest effort.)

(Y/n)'s pov

The 2 days before Friday, I spent with Roselyn. Catching up, hearing about everything what has happened over the past year and a half as I settled down in my room, unpacking and just relaxing. Those 2 days in daylight were fine, a boring, but overall a normal day. I spent the first day home, after spending another night at Michael's, to have a woman barge into his house, shaming us on wanting to sleep on his couch while watch TV. She has little right to do half the shit she thinks she does, and Michael allows it. Oh, he allows her to boss him around, all because he felt bad. She was in a loony bin for a reason. How could he pity someone that was forced to get the hope they needed? I don't like Michael's dad, but how could he ever put up with a woman like her? Michael got all huffy about the topic, but I believe it was a subject that we needed to work around before I speak up. Which will be the next time that stupid woman decides to walk into Michael's without a good reason.

After that night, I went home. So, glad to rest myself on my bed, in my room with nobody disturbing me. I hoped Roselyn and her child, won't be so bad, maybe that was a false hope. False hope of having quietness. Of privacy. Of anything reasonable to happen. I put aside my hard feelings towards Roselyn, putting aside what Michael and she did. I put that a sided, because she seemed to having a much harder time now, with a child, needing to sleep on a mattress on the floor. Whatever she had was in a suitcase, ready for her to leave when it happened. She was ready for a short notice boot out of the house. If my mother's situation shifts, she could be gone in less than a day. Seeing her things so contained made me worry so much about her.

My mother had a soft spot. The reason she letting Roselyn stay and Michael see the little one. She knew the situation. I didn't fully, not even Roselyn told me fully, leaving parts out that were the subject of my questioning. She was in a shitty situation.

I had a long hot bubble bath, relaxing in silence, barely able to hear that little one's cries. No thoughts on anything to do with all the presenting problems, hiding away from the feeling of being left out. I truly became the odd one. Again. Or maybe I was always was.

We got to the restaurant around 8, linking arms with Roselyn, matching with her in look and style, causing staring from Michael. My clothing options were often modest compared to Roselyn's clothing, but we were matching, with one of us is out of their normal clothing, which would be me. I didn't care, seeing her smile brightly with a joyful face, eyes gleaming with excitement and her voice vibrated with passion to be free from being a mother. She got a break to be free. Her mouth ran, never stopping to take breaks. It made her happy, and she seemed like she needed someone to be a good friend for her to be matching and be around for her. Unlike at home, she seemed you happy to be out and away from the baby, talking so much to Alex and Max.

We sat next to each other, gossiping about what had happened around the town. A lot of things have happened and Roselyn got to hear it by getting shoved into motherhood and going to motherhood class. What? There were classes on how to be a mother? Understandable. Honestly speaking, some people don't have the natural ability to be a mother, and Roselyn was one of those people. She was enormous on being not tied down to too much responsibilities but also wanting all the responsibilities of other people's children. Elizabeth was a good example, spoiling her with girly things, treating her with anything she wanted. She got Elizabeth's adoring her, becoming so happy whenever she saw her. It was clear, That Roselyn had a skill with looking after older children, but not with babies.

Michael, sat next to me, listening but overall didn't care what was being said. He sat with his arms crossed, looking at the decorations around the place, lost in his own mind.

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