7 - The sheriff is around to help

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(sorry for the long wait - got busy with life, just focused on getting a job and other projects, also this is quiet long.)

I woke up to Sheriff Richard, shaking my body, as I rested against the diner wall, with my legs rested along the chair. It was the only place I could think of to be, to rest  and to think, Knowing Anais and the Sheriff always lurked around the place, generally, seeming less stress than I last knew him, while I napped myself into a deep sleep on a small but long chair.

"Didn't know you returned home? What are Brings you around here in such a state? Without your group of troublemakers?" He asked, with worry ting to his dry and worn voice that rasped with every word. "Where has your life gone to lead you to sleep in a place like this? You should be careful where you are sleeping. You never know who is around."

"Those troublemakers aren't hanging out as much as they used too, life got in the way and I am. I-. Well, I need my space to thing but mainly, I'm too ashamed to go home..." I sighed, looking away in shame. "I know Roselyn would already know things and be up my ass about it. Sleep is all I need, Sir." I murmured tiredly, resting down on my back, looking up at the ceiling. "Just an argument, nothing serious."

"Would you like some coffee?" He offered. "I know it isn't good for you and heaven forbid if your mother found out I'm not sending you home for being out this late."

"Thank you, sir." I quietly murmured, looking around, seeing barely anyone around but last of leaving customers and Name cleaning up with the rare sighting of her husband peaking from the kitchen, trying to get her attention without revealing himself to the nicely lit area. The place didn't change much, other than seems cleaner and the flooring seemed to be in a better condition than the last time I was hear.

"Time is the best healer, It isn't easy and things don't simple go away, but after sometime you'll learn to deal with things."

"I don't need your meaningful talk, I just want to sleep." I put my head down into my arms with a whimper leaving my lips.

At some point, lost track when, but Anais stood in front of us with cups with a hum buzzing from her curved lips and a charming old smile, serving coffee. "Aw, well isn't it, you. Got down on rough times or something?"

"It's nothing," I yawned, lifting my head down off the table. "I want to be somewhere safe I guess to think..." I teared up. "Here is the only place. even if the walk was quiet far."

"Aw, Poor thing. What happen?" She asked. "Drink up, my newly brewed coffee will cheer you up and don't worry about needing to leave, there is always someone always staying behind, for assorts of reasons. If you need me to call someone, I'll lend you the phone."

"Don't worry, kiddo, Just take deep breaths and keep calm." The sheriff softly said, ruffling my hair, smiling. "You take your time with your thoughts."

I slowly breathed, gripping my sleeves, knowing how stupid it was for me not to go home. I had no reason for not wanting to going home, but I just don't want to. I couldn't force myself to sleep in the comfort of my own bed, without truly sleeping. It's was never night, the tearful whimpers and delicate cries of that noisemaker of a baby.

What was I going to do about it? It was a losing battle against Roselyn. If I talk to her, she'll make me feel bad, and my mother would make feel guilty for even suggest any idea to fix the problem. They would team up against me. They already have. Michael was probably against me too. I know I was wrong to let me emotions dictate my reasoning, but I was tired and fed up but that didn't make things better, I still put Michael into a weird place and no matter what he did. I was just done with having no privacy and no sleep. I was done being told to put up with things I'm not comfortable with. How was what happened myself. Was it my fault? Michael was completely against me, being very passive with how he wanted me to ignore the problems. Maybe I should, because what if I was the problem. What If I was the thing to ignore to make him happy and keep him fine with me.

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