9 - confession

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I sat on my bed with a towel around me, brushing through my damp hair, humming along with the music, which filled the room with comfort. Nothing to do but relax, and treat myself to me time alone in my - Roselyn free - room, for the rest of the night. Plenty things to do and plenty more things to try to finish. My poor attempt at knitting, or try and paint, though it was a skill I was pushed away, due to how messy I got with it, but no matter how messy it got, it was mindless time spent on something, that I like. So did that lady from next door.

Settling down the brush, I stood up and got dressed for bed, still debating what to do with my time. Would it be the same when I get a job? After works being clueless on how to spend my valuable time, completely bored and hoping that I had someone to be around.

Humming and dancing to the music, enjoying my alone time in my room. How wonderful to be alone and not constantly around Roselyn. I hopped and skipped around my room, getting out things to crochet.

- later -

Dinner was quiet with a air of tension lingering between me, my mother and Roselyn. Seemingly, them both frustrated and annoyed with me, with a bit of attitude with how they called for me to the table.

"So, how's work." I awkwardly asked, playing with the little amount of food that was given to me. A child size portion compared to what they had. Quite petty.

"I need you to not play music pass 6. That's Layla's bedtime. Already explained this to you but it seems I needed to remind you."

"Mam, I'm having a problem."

"If we are going to be living and sleeping in the same room, you better meet me half way, because I done so much for you. I done way more and got so little in return, so this is just the bare minimum. The bare fucking minimum of common decency." Hostility in the air, all from the blonde haired woman. There was nothing but silence coming from my mother to even try to do anything. I didn't want that woman in my room, I didn't want her child in my room. I tried to meet half way but half way has never been enough for anyone. They all say meet half but any attempts to keep up with that is so god damn pointless when they never do what they say they will do.

"I have never once asked for your help. That's on you and I own you nothing. In fact, if you want to be petty, then, pay your dues and fuck off. You lost my brother and I want you to fuck off. The bare minimum of common decency is to not be at the family's house, knowing you lost their youngest member, during a already stressful time." I raised my voice, fed up with her and her thinking she gets to boss me around.

"Go fuck yourself, get over it."

"Get over being almost killed. Stop using the victim card if you never tried to get that person convicted of a crime. After you got away with tampering with evidence! Let me tell you something, Sheriff Richard really put his neck out on the line to cover up what you and Michael did, considering you and Michael confessed in front of him."

"We didn't get off without punishment, we got the lowest possible punishment for that crime."

"Which I think wasn't enough. I think you should of got the worse."

"And you'll be somewhere else being fucked by someone else, somewhere else, you won't have a boyfriend that you don't deserve with how you treat and speak to him. You think what you did this morning was okay? I get that you were upset with him, but you don't resort to insults and trying to cause trouble, because that doesn't solve shit. So keep your mouth close. You dirty skank."

"What happened to you being caring? Did that change because Michael gave an ounce of him dependence on you emotionally? I know you get a kick out of people wanting and I bet you were on high from all the feeling being needed by someone emotionally. Even if you got punished for what you and Michael did, I won't done anything because I'm not you, who can open their legs to any shred of kindness. Even if it's the bare minimum."

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