page #1 preach and grill

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It was a late late night cold and foggy something out of an anime,
I last to myself inwardly.
As my sleep shuffle a rock kicking it onto the dumpster, making a .
Clink sound .
At spy keep my hood over my head leaning against a brick wall waiting for The store owner to leave.

In the meantime to pass the time, I had my phone on as I played an anime game .. O how I love my gotcha games .

Ever so often looking around my myself in case somebody came into alleyway, it would blow the whole operation and I would be grilled for it .

Hearing the sound of car keys and something being lost I see the store owner close his shop for the night and head off to his car to leave as I put my phone back in my pocket.

I gently push off the wall with my fingertips and spent on my heel walking to the back door with an old neon sign on the back of it.
It said "hat tricks"
It was a bar and grill.
I take a lock pick out from my pocket picking the lock as I walk inside.
Looking around the walls as I finally spot what I was looking for a power box where the alarm was.

The alarm goes off for a few minutes before I take my tools out of my pocket and disable the alarm before placing them back in and taking my phone back out again.

And shooting a text message.

////Brother Korra//

'It's open'

I instantly get a reply back.

'good I'll be waiting'

I swiftly close my phone and walk to the back where they keep the drinks and, the stock.
Opening every cabinet every storage compartment half hazardly.

Before looking around to make ensure that every door and compartment was open I turn on my heels once again walking back outside of the bar behind the trash can from where I flicked the rock was a canister of gasoline...
taking it back over to where I was previously at as I start to empty its contents throughout the entire bar over everything I had just opened.

But not before taking out a large plastic bag and opening the cast register to get what little money was left in there and go under the counter.

Whether it was a small safe with a digital lock.
I scoff a little bit.

"Sweaty Bob... Is going to get an earful for me later"

Putting the money in one of my many many many pockets I take out another tool for my many many many many many many pockets.

Haha . 'what can I say I do love trench coats'

It was a small little condensed round ball as I took out some fleshy putty and a string hanging from it and placed it on the lock.

"Simple enough thankfully"
I mutter lowly to myself.

I take out my phone and do a manual detonate from the small electrical ball piece I had stuck on to it.

As made a small electric shock frying the digital lock as I then open it.


"Now for the last part-"

I put the remaining money into the plastic bag and tie it and put safely into one of my inner pockets.

Pushing off my knees gently raising to my feet I turn swiftly as I calmly walk through the door and take out a match and drop it onto the line if gasoline as a line of fire spreads throughout the kitchen to the bar to the waiting area to the walk-in setting the entire building on fire.

I just my hands off throwing the canister evidence in there as well and I walk away.

Putting my earphones in and listening to music as police science in the background draw near.

ShacklesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora