everything you've done..

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The doors slam shut after pushing her friends out of the room ,using a talisman to seal the door forbidding anybody from opening unless it was a number of her family blood.

Ignoring ignoring and their screams in please and the pounding of the door behind her she turned her attention to her father who began to speak.

"sterling whatvare you doing?!"
Her father asked as he scrambled from his seat to get some distance from him and his daughter the desk being the only safe place he can get away from his own child who he barely recognized through the darkness that was created from her myasthma... Now obvious to the physical changes in her appearance her hair like ash and smoke, eyes red as apples .

"Sterling...this magic you've - committed a sin! A taboo!  This is not the way of our family you know it is forbidden it is uncontrollable and unpredictable! "
"What would you're gram think if she was alive?!"

"She told you she told you-"

"I know what she said I took an account everything that she said and I perfected it I perfected it!"
"I worked so fucking hard ti esen You
And moms approval and yet and yet do you know what you guys have always said to me?"


"Not even a word not -even a word!"
she glance down at the floor below her..
"I just wanted you both to love me !"
"Why couldn't I have that?!"
"You got we all made an agreement that when my little brothers were born that day for the sake of our family could be the new head- because because our elders... would strike us down our ancestors would shun us all we would be cursed you - said you said this!"

"And like the idiot I am a happy naive little girl I accepted but guess what I'm not a little girl anymore!"

she stumbling forward her hands bracing herself against the desk.
Her Banks cascading over her eyes a little glow of red seeping through the cracks from her loose strands of hair.

... A small dry short spirited chuckle escaped her lips just as the door broke open behind her.

It was
Mk who broke it

"Sterling stop!"
"Don't do it!" -

"Please! I-"

"Shut up you don't know what its like having a family this fucking self-centered with their image but they would lie to a little girl!"

"What do you mean lie?-"
Macaroni asked concern filling his voice so it was a little demanding as his volume was much lower than usual laced with a hint of venom

"Oh guess what fun fact I'm actually the eldest technically I'm supposed to be the head of the family but since I was born with the family curse dear old daddy over here told me that if I give up my birthright then our family would be safe our ancestors wouldn't strike us down and our elders wouldn't eliminate us or whatever!"
"Doesn't make a lot of sense right but when you're a 9 year old girl makes a lot of sense you don't want to disappoint your family don't you you want your family to love you and you want to protect them-"

"Well I'm not a stuoid as they think i am- im fucking 23!"
"and I- I will take us alllll out!"

She turn her head for just a moment..to look at new friends.

Guilt washed over her face not killed for what she was doing she was intending to do what she wanted to do but.
Guilt for having to drag them into something like this guilt for letting them deal with this deal with her.

"I really am sorry.."
"..i don't"
"I didn't.. want to drag you to family affairs.."

"... This is just a normal Tuesday for a family like..this"

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