page 5 new friends and a rocky start

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(((The image above is what her magical power looks like when it is being used)))
((This will come in handy later))
(I'm an idiot I accidentally replaced the edge)
(Shh don't ask)

Once they reach the noodle shop.
Sterling sat in the Island Park across from the cooking area.
As she explained a little bit about her family again.
But this time to The entire group.

" Aside from your family mei, my house they have their financial claws into every bit at the city.
The deal in all sorts of things
And they also literally deal and all kinds of other items.
"Like that soul gem - I went to go get a pickup on form were emo , over here with me alone The entire time I was working"
"However I do restate that it was good company and a little fun.."

"Um" She wondered on how she could phrase his next sentence which of course was the topic about why she freaked out and ran off including the other one she was hoping to avoid "

"But for share plot convenience and excuse " said the author

Mk got straight to the point.
As he asked the more interesting question.

"Sooo what was that smoke thing you did previously when you ran from us annd"

"Haha..oh that um so uh"
"Dark magic"
"I don't have necessary ever descendant gift thingy that my entire family is born with I have the polar ... Opposite of which my family has .."
"Uh - It's not the prettiest.."
"I try not to use it very often"
"Dark magic comes with equal price- basically along the lines of equivalent exchange.."

She mumbled that last bit as she twiddled her thumbs.

"Wow this is uncomfortable"
She said

While mk put his finger thingy to his chin before he relaxed back with a big laugh .
"Oh shit that's really cool yo!"
"So like what can ya do?!"
"Why can't you use it much?!"
"And oh oh oh what was that smoke thingy you did before!?"
With Little Stars in his eyes as he went way past her personal bubble.

That made her a giggle just a little bit it did wash away a little bit of the existing awkwardness that was growing in the air and the uncomfortable feeling of talking about her family that was looming over her shoulder.

It was relaxing to hear someone with a positive feedback for the powers that she had.
Without being judged or seen as some sort of monster for the abilities that she had It was refreshing to say the least.

"Okay well one to answer your first question."

"It's a smoke screen"
"With slight poison effect though it depends on how much I want to amp the dosage"
"What are useful for was just a numbing all it really does is make one's body weak if you breathe it in"
"That's really simple dark magic"
"It doesn't require a lot of effort....or the fuel to sustain it"

"What do you mean by fuel?"
Mei asked excited.

"Uh well - something of equal value when casting a dark magic spell has to have an equal essence to be fueled by whatever spell that's being cast"

"That's pretty cool isn't it It's kind of scientific in a way"
Tang said pushing his glasses up with his finger thingy.
Classic anime move.

While pigys, sighed
He was slowly starting to pick up what she was pitting down in a sugar-coated way which made him glare for a moment.

"So what you're saying is..."

"You need a something with magic to fuel your magic "
Wukon finished for pigys with a concerned look on his face .

"Not to pri but from what I know of dark magic you constantly need to recharge with magical animals or magical artifacts... And if it's magical animals that usually requires you to take their life"

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