has been ..

3 0 0

"Ah..I just wanted my familys..."

her father launched at her , to stab her and then abdomen from behind she just barely noticed in time with the yell of mei and now finding herself on the ground with mei hovering over her the knife in her hand she had literally caught it by the blade as her own blood ran down her wrist .

"Mei .."

Sterling mumbled

"Why did you ...- he could have killed you!"

Sterling snaps

"Besides I could have healed it!"


Sterling's eyes turns to slits as soon as she saw her father launching with another weapon another knife ,
in his hand she quickly took action by grabbing mei by her shoulders and throwing her to the side to get her away from the danger

Quickly moving to her knees one hand grabbing her father's left wrist and the other grabbing the knife with her hands tightening her grip around the blades drawing more blood as she ripped it away from him spinning it in her fingers quickly as she pulled her father to the ground and she now hovering over him the knife to his throat.

"You fucked up ..all the more reason to just go ahead and extinguish your life you would do anything even get random civilians in the way of whatever family bad blood you want to deal with quit getting me good reasons if you don't want me to go through this why don't you start talking about the good reasons why I should not?! if they're at all any!!"

she scowled at her father but felt a hand on her shoulder. It was red son .

"... Coming from someone who would have gladly done the same i'm sorry but I do agree that this is not the best choice isn't there another way to punish him without killing him that doesn't become a weight on your shoulder..."

' Instead of giving her reasons that everyone else has been giving her but killing is wrong and that it's not the answer and blah blah blah blah blah sappy crap like that...'

'. He instead wished for another way to punish one that would satisfy all her pain and anger but that did not result in...death '

"I agree wth red son... I know you want to revenge and as much as I believe killing is not the answer I still think that... If you still want to at least pent up all your anger I can compromise..."
Walking over to her slowly.

"How did you.."

She mumbled...

"Oh i'm offended come on out if everybody hear you know I can get out of anything hun "

He gave a little cheeky smile before slinking his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer and away from her father to create some distance but everybody else who had escaped soon after again another mysterious to how they got out she did seal that door after all maybe she underestimated the king a little too much?

The rest of the game circled her father.
To make sure he didn't try to get a stink or anything most of your heroes here didn't agree with it but they did feel for their dear friend her anger would not be silenced so the next ..best thing was..


She finally said sris met her father she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out at first.

Tears falling from the corners of her eyes finally..

As much as I would much rather kill him I don't want you all to look at me in a different way I hate to say this .. but I do care about you...

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