chapter 2. A stupid party

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(oooo new update today ooo)
(Oh by the way heresss a magic chart)
( Sterling falls under illusion, oneiromancy, life, specifically necromancy,)

Once we get back to the noodle shop I glanced up looking at the neon sigh for "pigy"s noodles"

I stopped re ..thinking my choices . Remembering the last time I tried to make friends didn't go so well hearing the taunting voices of the kids form my family branches I used to know call me names. 



My mommy  says wishes you'd die


                     My daddy says you're a discrace


until a hand taps my shoulder.
Oh that's  right it was macaque

I asked

"You good " he asks worried

"Nah I'm okay just thinking - I don't really think I should -"

Before I could finish the door opens up to mk and Mei giving me a huge bear hug, so much so that I couldn't breathe

"Guys guys - air air !"

"Oh shit sorry sterling"
Mk said letting go as Mei sung her arm over my shoulder.

"I was so so worried you wouldn't come back pigys didn't mean it he was ju-"

"I was just frustrated that you didn't seem like your cared about yourself sterling kid .
I was like that when I was young I thought I didn't need anyone. I could do everything in my own - I got so swept up in taking on the whole world and focusing helping my grandma with her new restaurant and the pile of bills I forgot how to ..uh..."

I looked up seeing pigys before me standing in the door way of the restaurant.

I stayed silent for him to finish.

"Well I turned into a bad guy .. I got Into fights alot with the neighbors talking shit about my family "
"And I..."
Pigys sighs pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath .

"I forgot to take care of myself too"
"When I see you try to hold everything together yourself and distancing your self-esteem "
"God I don't know I just see some of me in you "

"I just I'm Sorry "
"I snapped I didn't mean to say such horrible things to you "
"I just want you to know we got your back Mei mk and even tang .
I even bet you'd get along well with sandy "
"You got his confidence "

He walked over and have me a even tighter hug .

"If you ever want a warm place to hang and free food your always welcomed here think of it as a second home where your friends are oka"?"

He said with a big smile and stepped back .

I stood there frozen
"Am I crying?"  I thought as I
I gaps rubbing my eyes .

"You sure are "
"But it's happy tears you got new friends"

Tang said and s
He stood by pigys with a thumbs up .

I chuckled a little bit and gave a weak nod .

"And I uh guess I said that out loud..huh?"

Wukon added as he walked out form behind pigys and Tang now standing beside mk and Mei.

"Thanks" - I repeated
"Oh I said it again "

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