Chapter Three

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          I gradually regained consciousness, my eyes slowly cracking open as I clumsily pushed myself into an upright position. My gaze roamed the strange surroundings, attention caught by the lavish decor encompassing me. A wave of panic washed over me as disjointed memories from the night before rushed back. An unsteady sensation, a persistent ringing in my ears, and then... a blackout. I couldn't recall how I ended up in this extravagant room, or whose it could be. My heartbeat escalated as I frantically searched for any hint of the preceding events. My fists tightened around the sheets, pulse quickening as I struggled to reassemble the jigsaw of last night's happenings.
          Fueled by mounting panic, I detached myself from the bed and navigated towards the bedroom door. My attempt to turn the doorknob was thwarted. Instantly, my heart went into a nosedive as I realized I was locked in this indiscernible space. Desperation led me to hammer on the door, shouting for help, but my pleas ran into an uncharitable silence. With a sense of utter isolation sinking in, I slid down the door, allowing tears to streak down my face uninterrupted. Fear had me in its firm grip, forcing me to ponder over the uncertainty of my future. Where was I, and who was my captor? Feelings of helplessness, bewilderment, and fright consumed me. Taking several deep breaths in an attempt to regain my composure, the tears gradually ceased. It was crystal clear that help from outside was a remote possibility; I had to strategize my own escape. My eyes swept the room for any leads or evidence of my mysterious arrival.
          I gravitated towards the window, yet it remained steadfastly closed. Next, I ventured into the bathroom. I scrutinized every nook, searching for an escape route. That's when the vent made an impression on me. As improbable as it seemed, it could potentially provide a way out. Climbing through could be risky, but my alternatives were scarce. With a newfound courage, I drew in a deep breath, acknowledging that this was my sole opportunity. I clambered up the bathroom sink, setting my sights on the vent, when the sound of the bedroom door unlock caused my heart to skip a beat. Panic-stricken, I froze - who could it be?What was their motive?
          An instant wave of panic seized me, my heart hammering in my chest as I strained to hear each sound. Footsteps gradually neared the bed, succeeded by an eerie silence. My breaths quickened, taking on a shallow rhythm, while a veil of terror paralyzed me. Time seemed to stretch into a torturous waiting game as each second slipped by, anticipation screeching on the edge of panic. In a profound relief, eventually, the sound of footsteps retreating back towards the door reached my ears, followed by the door closing with a definitive thud. I found myself in solitude once more, but the previous experience had left me jittery and ensnared in paranoia.
          I managed to reach the vent, my fingers hurriedly exploring its edges in a futile attempt to achieve freedom. My heart plummeted as I handled the vent cover only to reveal it blocked with concrete. My chest tightened in panic, ensuing breaths growing ragged and desperate as the grim truth of my situation took shape - my solitary confinement had transformed into a boundless nightmarish reality. I realized the dire need for a new plan, I couldn't afford to let my fear overshadow my composure again.
          Descending from the sink, I strived to regain control over my wild respirations and banish the inner chaos. As I pivoted away from the mirror, I found myself confronting Cyrus directly. A shocked gasp reverberated through the room, my heart pulsating wildly as a potent blend of terror and incredulity overtook me. My thoughts were a hurricane, spinning furiously as I endeavored to decode this baffling puzzle. Had he never left the room? Was I Cyrus' prisoner? My mind was a tumult of desperate queries, but my cognitive capacity was stunned into stillness before his presence. Drawing from the remaining iota of courage, I ventured to query Cyrus about his sudden appearance. His amber gaze intertwined with mine, a derisive laughter teasing his lips - an unkind taunt at my foiled escape scheme.

"My dear," he snarled, "had it honestly crossed your mind that you could evade us using a vent? You're even more gullible than I initially estimated."

His harsh words caused my heart to skip frantically in a rhythm of dread. All I yearned to do was to confront him fiercely and seek explanations, but fear caged me within its clasp.

"So, what do you expect from me?" I stammered, attempting to mask the vibrations of fright in my voice.

Rather than replying right away, he just examined me with an icy, detached stare. "For me? You mistake yourself. I personally have no need for you," he answered in an emotionless tone, "However, my father Elias holds different intentions."

My dread heightened at the mention of Elias. What could Elias possibly want from me?

"I don't... I don't understand," I confessed in an almost inaudible whisper, desperation leaking into my tone. "What does he want from me?"

"They never manage to, do they?" Cyrus responded listlessly, rolling his eyes. "Patience. It'll become clear. Until then, it's in your interest to follow instructions. Do you understand?"

The veiled threat only fueled the fear-induced gallop of my heart. "Yes, I understand."

"Wonderful! Now, should you pardon me, I've some business to attend to. Your meal should arrive shortly," Cyrus nonchalantly informed, striding towards the door, "And one more thing, don't exhaust yourself pondering escape. It's futile."

With that, he departed the room and bolted the door behind him, leaving me alone, engulfed again in chilling solitude.

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