Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I don't have my phone right now," I said, staring at Grace, literally watching the anger rise in her eyes.

"It isn't just that, Bryn!" Grace yelled, causing everyone to look in our direction, "No one has been at your home in weeks!"

No one? Not even dad?


"I have went by, once a day, every day to check on you and nobody has been home! Where have you been!"

"I-" oh gosh I should have prepared some answers or something, "I moved in with some family friends."

"Family friends?" She asked, crossing her arms, "Then where is your father and Bella?"

"They are out of town," I said with a tight smile, "On a vacation.....sort of."

"And what about your phone? You said you haven't had it, so where is it?"

"I-it is-"

"She broke it," Tate chimed in as he moved to stand beside me, "Hi, you must be Grace, I am Tate."

Grace looked at Tate, surveying him with angry eyes, "Family friend huh?"

"Yea his dad is friends with mine."

"Uh huh, and I am supposed to believe that becauseeee?"

"I'm not lying," I smiled, "My dad and their father have known eachother for a long time."

"Then how come am I just now hearing about this?"


"We have never met," Mark answered for me as he stood on the other side of me, "we knew her dad, but we didn't meet Brynleigh until he dropped her off."

I mean.....technically he isn't lying there.

"And you are?" Grace asked, annoyance dripping in her voice.

"I am Mark, the youngest, hottest, smartest, the whole package baby."

"First of all, I am not your baby," she snapped, "and second of all, you look like you can't even say your ABC's backwards, let alone the correct way."

Lawson and Tate bursted into laughter, I am glad THEY are having fun.

"Look Bryn," she said, "The bell is about to ring, let's get to class and we can finish this conversation later. Without your back up vocals."

Grace gave them a pointed glare before walking into the school.

"A bit up tight, isn't she?" Tate chuckled.

"No, just royally pissed at me." I replied, "Come on, we need to get to class."
              *Time skip to fourth period bc I am lazy*

          Walking into the locker room after gym class, I immediately felt a wave of anxiety crash over me as the metallic scent of sweat and cleaning supplies filled my nose. One of the many things I didn't miss about school. As I approached my locker, my breath caught in my through, there Katie stood. With her signature haughty grin seemingly tailor-made to make me feel small.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up," she sneered, relishing my discomfort, "It appears your missing presence in the halls was short-lived."

"What do you want Katie?" I asked as I opened the locker to grab my change of clothes, as well as my bag that had deodorant and and perfume in it.

"What I want, is for you to go back to whatever hold you crawled out of. This place was a lot better with ones less loser prowling around in it." She sneered.

"Whatever you say, Katie," I rolled my eyes and moved to walk passed her.

Katie grabbed my arm forcefully, pinning me with a glare.

"Did you not think I didn't see you this morning? Getting out of that car with him? Walking in with them? Who the hell are they anywhere, how can they have anything to do with the likes of you." She snapped.

"Oh I am sorry, did the sight of three very well-built men, escorting me to class hit a nerve? What, are you jealous?" I retorted.

"Jealous, of you!? Ha, don't make me laugh," she chuckled, "I am just curious how someone so naive and stupid as yourself was able to pull not one, but three men. But just wait, soon, they won't even want to look at you."

She let go of my arm and stomped out of the locker room.

I felt anger and sadness begin to swell inside me. Angry because of how she treated me. Sad because I knew that she was more than capable of taking them.

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