Chapter Twenty Four

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It had been a few days since the incident and since then, a lot had changed. I had started to get used to living with the vampires and was actually starting to enjoy it. At first, I was scared and anxious most of the time, but now, I felt comfortable around them. I had grown to love their company and enjoyed their peculiar way of looking at the world. Each one of them have their own unique view points and personality that just seemed to fit perfectly one another. Of course, no had heard from Cyrus, Zaidon, or Lawson since and the only one everyone seems to be worried about is Lawson. But despite his missing presence, I've had the best few days for what feels like an entire lifetime.

Tate has been sweet as ever, constantly checking up on me, making sure that I've eaten enough, that I've slept enough, and he even takes me to the lake on their property for a picnic every once in a while.

Mark is hilarious. I can't tell you how many times I've laughed so hard that my stomach began to hurt. He takes me shopping frequently and every so often, he takes me to a restaurant or to a drive-in theater.

Jacob has actually started to warm up to me. He's been teaching me to play video games. First it was small stuff like fortnight and Mortal combat. Now he's trying to convince me to play some horror and racing games. The racing games I have considered, but I don't think I am up to horror right now.

I still think about it. The dead girl. Not as much when I am around them, but when I am alone or I close my eyes, I see her. It has began to weigh on me, but I try not let it control me.

Today started out like any other day, I woke up and headed down to the kitchen, taking my place as the table.

"Good morning Bryn," Mark shouted dramatically has he sat beside me.

"Good morning to you too," I giggled.

Rate and Jacob followed after Mark, taking there seats as well.

"Morning Tate, morning Jacob."

They both groaned in sync, I've began to notice that they aren't morning people.

As the food arrived, I felt my stomach growl. Eggs, toast, sausage patties, bacon, gravy, biscuits, and syrup were among the many breakfast items. I filled my plate with a little of everything. As I was about to dig in, my eye caught the sausage and my heart sank. Grace commonly spent the night and when she did, dad would make breakfast for us in the morning. Grace had an odd sense of humor, so every morning she would take ketchup and draw a smiley face on the sausage and pretend that she was biting the heads off of the popular girls at school who got on her nerves. There was never a dull moment with her.

"Bryn, everything okay?" Tate's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"What? Oh yeah, everything is great." I replied as I began to eat.

Amongst all the chaos of the passed few weeks, I had completely detached myself from my old life. I had pushed my father and my best friend from my thoughts as a sort of coping mechanism. I guess I thought that if I didn't think about them I wouldn't miss them.

I finished my breakfast in silence. Only responding when spoken too. I couldn't help but think about my room, my home, my school, even Bella. It made me realize just how lonely I was, despite the attention I got from the boys. I just needed my dad. I just needed my best friend.

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