Chapter Seven

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When I emerged from the shower, I felt refreshed and renewed, despite everything that had happened to me. I changed into my clothes in the bathroom, relishing in the privacy it afforded me. As I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed how different I looked from the day before - my eyes were brighter, and my skin seemed softer. It was as if the water had washed away some of the stress and anxiety that had been weighing me down. Despite the uncertainty of my situation, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, knowing that at least for today, I could face whatever challenges came my way with a clearer mind. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I was greeted by Tate, who was staring at me with a mixture of concern and admiration. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him for sticking with me through everything - he had seen me at my worst, and yet he never wavered in his support.

As I put my dirty clothes in the hamper in the corner next to my bed, I turned to Tate and asked, "How did you sleep?".

It was important for me to check in with him, especially after everything he had done for me. He had stayed up all night to keep me safe, and I wanted to make sure that he had also got the rest he needed.

Tate rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn, "I slept alright, thanks for asking," he replied.

Though I couldn't help but notice the bags under his eyes, I appreciated his efforts to play it off.

"How about you?" Tate asked with a sleepy smile.

It felt good to know that he cared about my wellbeing just as much as I did his.

"Honestly, much better than I expected to," I replied with a small smile of my own.

Despite all the chaos and stress from the previous day, I had managed to drift off into a peaceful slumber thanks to Tate's presence. Knowing that he was watching over me had given me a sense of security that had allowed me to relax and let go of my worries, at least for a little while. As I thought back on the night, I realized that I had slept better than I had in weeks, and I silently thanked Tate for that. It was amazing how much of a difference a simple act of kindness like his could make in someone's life.

"I need to head downstairs and check on things. Will you be okay here by yourself for a little while?" His concern for my safety was evident, but I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of sadness knowing that I would once again be alone.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I reassured him with a forced smile.

"I'll be back in a bit with some breakfast," Tate said with a smile.

As Tate headed out the door, I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. The short, wavy black hair that framed his face, along with his brown eyes, made for a striking combination that was hard to ignore. It was strange to me how I hadn't really noticed his handsome features before, but in that moment, it was impossible to look away. Though I knew that I couldn't let my attraction to him distract me from the situation at hand, there was a part of me that was grateful for the small distraction.

As Tate shut the door behind him, I heard the familiar click of the lock sliding into place. For a moment, I froze, my heart sinking into my chest as fear slowly crept back inside me. It felt like a prison, trapping me in this strange and dangerous place with no hope of escape. It was moments like these that I couldn't help but feel the weight of my situation bearing down on me, making me feel isolated and alone. I tried to push these feelings aside, reminding myself that Tate was just a few floors below and would be back soon. Despite this, the fear lingered, making it hard to focus on anything else. As I sat on the edge of my bed, listening to the sound of my own breathing, I tried to find some solace in the fact that even though I didn't know Tate very well, he was still willing to protect me. Though the road ahead was uncertain, I knew that I could rely on him and that was something that I was able to draw comfort from, something that not even a locked door could deter.

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