Chapter Sixteen

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Later that evening, when I was alone in my room, I sat down on my bed and opened my journal. As I started to write, my thoughts drifted back to the conversation with Abraham. I couldn't help but feel grateful for his kindness and support. I had never expected to find myself in this situation, but somehow, I was managing to adapt. However, my contemplative state was interrupted by a knock at my door. I put my journal aside and went over to answer the door, wondering who could be visiting me. When I opened the door, I found myself face to face with a boy that looked very similar to Tate.

"Oh good you're awake!" He said cheerfully, walking passed me.

"I hope I am not disturbing you. I just wanted to introduce myself as I haven't had the chance to greet you yet."

A sense of relief washed over me as I realized that the young vampire boy had no ulterior motives.

"No, you're not disturbing me at all," I replied, smiling back at him. "I'm Brynleigh. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh I know," he said, looking around my room, "You'd think they would have brought your things from home already. The room is kind of bland if you ask me."

I couldn't help but feel more at ease at his humorous demeanor.

"Oh! Where are my manners!!" He said, turning to me, "My name is Mark."

"Nice to meet you Mark." I replied with a smile.

"So, how are you doing?" Mark asked as he took a seat on my bed, "I mean despite the situation."

He just makes himself right at home doesn't he.

"I'm doing okay, still a bit on edge, but okay nonetheless." I explained.

"Oh no, that just will not do," he replied, "How about this, I haven't had a drink in a long time and there is this bar two towns over that has the BEST gin tonic I have ever had."

"I don't think that's a wise idea," I replied sheepishly.

"The best ideas are never the wise ones. Come onnnnnnn, lighten up a little." Mark said with a smile.

I stood there for a moment. Contemplating my next move. I mean it wouldn't be such a bad thing, however, I am underage so there is that.

"But what about my age?" I asked, "Technically I can't even enter a bar."

Mark gave me a humorous smile, "Don't worry, I got that covered."

"What about an outfit?" I asked, "I can't go to a bar in just a t-shirt and shorts."

"Then we will just have to go shopping!" He said with a smile, "But we should head out now, my brothers are out hunting, dad is in his study, and Abraham is in the kitchen. It's the perfect time to go!"

"Fine, but you're driving." I joked.

"Oh, I am totally driving."

Zaidon, Cyrus, Lawson, Jacob, and Tate were all hunting in the woods, sticking to their usual routine of feeding on animal blood.

However, Cyrus had other ideas. "Guys, why don't we switch things up tonight?" he suggested, "Let's hunt for human blood."

At the mention of the taboo idea, everyone fell silent, with Zaidon being the only one not to show any signs of discomfort. After a moment of contemplation,

Zaidon spoke up, "I actually agree with Cyrus. Hunting humans could be a lot more exciting, and it's not like we haven't done it before."

"Yeah and unlike some of you," Cyrus gestures towards Tate, "We actually prefer an open vein to woodland creatures."

"Nope," Tate said immediately shutting Cyrus down, "Bad idea. Hunting humans is a no go."

"Speak for yourself," Zaidon scoffed, "I for one dislike the taste of animal blood."

"It doesn't matter what you "like", it's about the safety of all humanity." Tate argued.

"What about animal rights?" Cyrus argued, "Are you saying that they aren't just as important."

"We have to eat somehow, Cyrus." Tate responded, crossing his arms.

"Vampires are SUPPOSED to feed on humans. In case you weren't aware. Feeding on animals is like putting a restriction on our true potential." Zaidon chimed in.

"Yeah, our true potential to be feral killers." Tate muttered.

"Well, I'm not sticking around here," Cyrus said, "Come on Zaidon."

The three boys watched as Cyrus and Zaidon disappeared.

"They have a point." Lawson stated.

"Are you serious?" Tate asked.

"Look Tate, it's honorable that you choose to stick to the animal diet, but I think a change in taste would be a good thing." Lawson expressed as he disappeared after his older brothers.

"You do realize we can't leave them three unsupervised, right?" Jacob asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah I know, let go."

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