Chapter Twenty

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Cyrus revved the engine of his 1964 Pontiac GTO, feeling the power of the muscle car beneath him. Zaidon sat in the passenger seat, laughing and egging him on.

"Come on, man!" he shouted, "Let's see what this baby can really do!"

Cyrus grinned, feeling the rush of adrenaline as he hit the gas pedal. The GTO roared to life, surging forward and leaving a trail of tire smoke behind it. Zaidon whooped with excitement, his hands gripping the door handle tightly.

"Slow down!" he yelled, "This car is a classic, remember?"

But Cyrus was too caught up in the moment to listen. He took a sharp turn, drifting the car around the bend and narrowly avoiding a streetlamp. Zaidon screamed with a mixture of fear and exhilaration, pounding his fist against the dashboard.

As the car came to a stop, Zaidon breathed a sigh of relief. "Man," he said, shaking his head, "You are crazy."

Cyrus laughed, feeling alive with the rush of danger. "That's why you love me, bro," he said, winking at Zaidon, "I always keep things interesting."

"Speaking of interesting," Zaidon said, gesturing to the lime green Lamborghini that pulled out in front of them, "Isn't that Mark's car?"

Cyrus followed Zaidon's gaze and squinted to get a better look. "I think you're right," he said.

Zaidon grinned mischievously. "You want to follow him and see where he's going?" he asked.

Cyrus felt a sudden rush of excitement at the idea. "Why not?" he said. "It might be fun to see what he's up to."

Zaidon nodded, and Cyrus started the engine of the GTO, peeling out onto the street in pursuit of the Lamborghini. As they weaved through traffic, Cyrus couldn't help feeling a sense of adventure. He didn't know where they were going or what they would find when they got there, but he was determined to see it through.

As the Lamborghini turned onto a quiet side street, Cyrus followed cautiously, parking the GTO a few blocks away. He and Zaidon climbed out and made their way on foot, careful not to draw attention to themselves. They trailed behind Mark, wondering where he was headed and what he was planning to do. Whatever it was, Cyrus knew he was in for a wild ride.

"Isn't this Mark's favorite bar?" Zaidon asked as they walked up the steps.

"Yeah, let's see what he's up to, shall we?" Cyrus chuckled, holding the door open for Zaidon.

As they entered the bar, Cyrus noticed Mark and Brynleigh sitting in a booth at the back. He grinned to himself, thinking this could be the perfect opportunity to cause a little chaos. After all, what's a night out without a little drama?

Cyrus elbowed Zaidon and used his head to point towards Brygneligh and Mark.

"You thinking, what I'm thinking?" He asked with a smirk.

"Let's make some trouble shall we." Zaidon smirked.

Tate propelled his 2020 white Mazda MX-5 forward, his eyes fixed on the yellow 2021 Ferrari F8 Tributo in front of him. Riding shotgun in the passenger seat was Jacob, who had his phone in his hand, intently studying the GPS coordinates.

Tate and Jacob were following Lawson because he was following Cyrus. They knew that Cyrus' rash decision to feed on humans would cause a lot of problems that they did not need right now.

As they drove, Tate's adrenaline pumped through his veins. He was so angry at Cyrus' willingness to endanger humanity so effortless.

"Turn left." Jacob instructed.

Tate gritted his teeth, determined to remain inconspicuous. He didn't want to spook Lawson and make him take off. Instead, he kept a close eye on the Ferrari, following from a distance so as not to attract attention.

As they turned into the driveway, trying to park as far from Lawson as they could, Tate had a strong feeling that this wasn't going to go the way he expected. Something was off, but he wasn't entirely sure what it was. He wasn't exactly ecstatic to find out.

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