Chapter Eleven

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I stepped inside Tate's room and looked around, taking in my surroundings. There was a big bed against one of the walls, with a pile of pillows and blankets stacked up neatly against the headboard. On another wall, there was a bookshelf stocked with books of all shapes and sizes. Tate's clothes were neatly stacked on a dresser, and there was a window looking out into the lush gardens at the side of the house. My mind was in a whirlwind, and even being away from the others didn't help calm my nerves. Vampires, blood-bags, and a wife? It all seemed too unbelievable. I couldn't make sense of it all and wondered how I had ended up in this bizarre situation. In search of a mental escape, I found myself seated on the floor, my head resting on the wall, desperately trying to clear my mind. Tate's soft voice interrupted my thoughts, and I opened my eyes to see him sitting next to me.

"Is it true?" I asked, hoping it was all some kind of twisted joke.

Tate's sorrowful eyes told me otherwise. This was my reality now - to be the wife of a vampire and a communal blood-bag, and there was no way out.
Desperate for answers, I hesitated to ask the question on my mind.

"Am I going to..." I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Tate quickly finished it for me. "Die? No, well not really."

His words offered little comfort, and I closed my eyes, tilting my head towards the ceiling. Tate's hand found mine, and I quickly pulled away, jolting at the realization that he too was a vampire, regardless of his kindness towards me.

"I promise, Brynleigh, I won't let them hurt you," Tate said solemnly.

Though I appreciated his words of comfort, the reality of my situation loomed over me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread and unease.

I turned to Tate, taking a deep breath before I asked the question that had been weighing on my mind.

"How does it work? How do they decide which vampire I am to marry?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Tate looked at me with a knowing expression, his eyes softening.

"It's complicated," he replied, taking my hand in his. "The decision is ultimately up to the head of the house, but father will take into account numerous factors, including compatibility, the vampire's standing within our family, as well as mutual attraction."

My mind raced with questions, but I ultimately chose to stay silent, not wanting to delve any further into the topic. It was clear that I had little say in the matter, and the thought left me feeling helpless and trapped.
Tate must have sensed the fear radiating off me and reached out to take my hand once again.

"I know it's a lot to take in," he said, his voice gentle, "but no matter what happens, my father will make sure you're well taken care of. You're not just a blood-bag to him, Brynleigh, you're a person, and he values your safety and well-being."

His reassuring words were soothing to my troubled mind, and for a moment, I allowed myself to believe that there was some hope for me in this strange new world that I found myself in. Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be completely alone and helpless in this new life.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me, I leaned my head over onto Tate's shoulder, grateful for his presence and comfort. Though the situation was far from ideal, there was something about Tate's gentle and reassuring nature that put me at ease, if only for a moment. I let out a deep sigh, closing my eyes and allowing the warmth of his body to envelop me. I knew I had a lot to process and come to terms with, but for now, I was content to simply rest and seek solace in the comfort of Tate's kindness.

As Brynleigh's breathing grew slower and more rhythmic, Tate slowly realized that she had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He carefully shifted her weight, wrapping her in his arms as he stood up, making sure not to disturb her peaceful slumber. He walked over to his bed and gently placed her down, tucking her in with the gentlest of touches. As he looked down at her, his heart filled with a warmth that he could not explain. There was something about Brynleigh that spoke to him on a level that he couldn't quite understand, and even though she was in the most vulnerable position he had seen her in, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deep fondness for her. With a soft smile on his face, he quietly left the room, leaving Brynleigh to rest peacefully in his bed.

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