Chapter Twenty Two

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We rushed out of the bar, passing, who looked to be Lawson on our way out. I felt like my body was weighing down. My balance was off and my head was spinning. The closer we got to car, the heavier my feet felt.

Suddenly, mark stops and sniffs the air, "Brynleigh, do not open that car door."

I didn't register what Mark had said until it was too late.

I opened the car door to reveal a woman in the passenger seat, her neck covered in blood.

I immediately doubled over and threw up all the alcohol.

"O-oh my god," I said, tears streaming down my face as I held my stomach.

Mark ran over and shut the passenger door, he immediately grabbed a hold of my arm and rubbed my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing small circles.

"I-is she dead?" I asked before throwing up some more.

"I don't know," he replied all too calmly.

"What's going on?" A familiar voice called.

I looked up to see Tate standing a few feet away with concern etched onto his face.

"Cyrus and Zaidon," Mark said angrily, "They wouldn't let us leave until Brynleigh drank another drink. Then when she opened the car door she seen-"

"There's a body in here," There other brother, whose name I do not know, said as he looked into the car window.

"Are they still inside?" Tate asked.

"Yes, but we have to get her and that body out of here, now." Mark exclaimed.

"Okay, Mark, you and Jacob take care of the body. I'll take Brynleigh home. We will deal with those two later." Tats instructed.

Mark helped me walk over to Tate before running off to the driver side of his car. Jacob quickly picked up the girl and placed her in the trunk before getting into the passenger seat. They disappeared within seconds of getting in.

"Are you okay?" Tate asked, as he crouched in front of me.

My mind was moving 80 mph and my heart was beating even faster. I wasn't able to respond due to the alcohol and shock.

Taking my silence as a no, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car. He slide me into the passenger seat and quickly climbed into the driver side. The moment we began to move, I felt myself grow sick again. So I did the only thing I could think of, force myself to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself once again in Tate's bed, feeling a killer headache pounding in my head. I tried to sit up, but the pain was too much to bear. As I realized what was happening, I immediately was filled with fear again. The dead girl, Cyrus and Zaidon killed her. What's even worse is that they did it as a joke. As if someone's life didn't matter to them. That girl is dead because THEY don't care who they hurt or what the consequences are. It made me sick to think of them. The amount of blood that covered the girl and the leather seats of Marks car made my body shudder.

As I surveyed the room, I noticed Tate had left a glass of water and a couple of painkillers on the nightstand for me. I was grateful for his thoughtfulness and quickly popped the pills with the water, hoping for relief. How does a perfect day end so badly. Sometimes I wonder if the universe is in its right mind. Why would something like this be allowed to happen. An even better question, why are they allowed to exist. It almost makes me wish that vampire hunters were real. Maybe someone out there is fighting evil creatures like Cyrus and Zaidon. Maybe their only mile away and so close to catching up to them. It's a gruesome thought, I know, but it almost make me wonder if they even deserve the life they were given.

With that thought in mind, I shuffled once again underneath Tate's blankets and fell asleep inhaling his scent.

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