Chapter 1: Eyes of Dilution (normal days)

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Day 2

After that dreadful school opening I went to sleep last night. Now it's morning. As I promised I walked into the cafeteria. "Good morning Tyler." Said Justin smiling. "Morning bro." I replied with a bright smile.

After that everyone else came in. Of course you have the early birds,little late,and slept in. "So let's decide our plan of action." Said Manny. "Well we all ready checked the areas." Said Alexis fixing her hair. "Actually,sis that one hall gate's opened, but all the rooms are lock and the only thing that is the elevator." Said Atalia popping into the conversation.

Hmm how could I not notice the gate being opened. Well I am a dumbass sometimes. I thought to myself.

For the rest of the day me, Justin, and Trinity spent our time in the cafeteria. Then Monokuma's night time announcement went off.

End of day 2

"Well hello there students and welcome to Monokuma theater. A great stage for yours truly. Anyway back to business. It looks like our fellow students are getting a drop of despair from the little baby bottle~ up pu pu out~ who will die and who will live let's find out soon." Said the black and white bear. The curtains then closed.

Day 3

I woke up and headed to the cafeteria. I kinda felt like this was going to happen a boring life without anything and I bet the bear was lying. "So it looks like there are no means of escape." Said Clay putting his head down. "Ugh I want to go home!" Screamed Caityln.

"Then kill a bitch!" Screamed Monokuma popping out of know where. "Ahh!" Screamed Caitlyn almost jumping out of her seat. "Eh! Dog what the good hell do you want." Said Gage making a disc moving motion. "I'm just checking on you people." He said and left. Well that was fucking weird. After that we all headed to our rooms.

Day 3 end

"Welcome back to Monokuma theater! Well I know the show is dull,but be prepared time for the students to get the whole baby bottle of despair milk." The curtains closed.

Day 4

Then that morning I woke up and Monokuma told us to head to the auditorium. So I walked in and took a seat. Then the curtains rose. "Good morning students how is everyone?" He asked happily. "Fuck you! I want sleep!" Screamed a Faith with heavy bags under her eyes.

"That's not nice...anyway I have something special for you all.. A motive!" He screamed almost falling out of his seat. "It's been so boring lately that I thought some motivation would pump y'all up for killing." He said blushing.

"This is dumb I'm going back to my room." Said Clay getting up and leaving. "Agh! It's locked!" He yelled trying to push the door open without success. "Correct! All students have o participate or get punished." Monokuma said popping out his claws. Apparently that made Clay sit down quick.

"I have a special video for all of you." He said pressing the projector. It was a video of everyone in the auditorium,but different things. The first video, was of me,Justin,Trinity,Gage,Atalia, Larissa, Caitlyn, Shiloh , Manny, Ally , and Kiera. The next one was of some of us playing in a orchestra concert on the same stage. Then finally it was a video I was recording.

"Ugh I'm so sad it's the last day of school!" I yelled in the video. "Why? No more homework or bitchy teachers." Said Atalia smiling. "Well we won't get to see even in eight grade until we are in ninth grade!" I complained. "That's sucks but you have everyone's contacts and phone numbers." Said Kiera putting on a sweat shirt. "Anyway we can look forward to the end of the year party you are having." Smiled Larissa. "Yah next year is going to rock!" Screamed Caitlyn. Then the video ended.

"If you want to know why these videos exist, why you don't remember making them, and how they where recorded in the school, then kill someone~up pu pu pu~" the bear laughed disappearing.

We all stared at each other with disbelief in our eyes. We all knew someone was going to kill,but who was and when. After that we all locked our selfs on our dorms, or at least I did. I was still shaking from the weirdness of the events.after that I went to sleep.

End of day 4

"Well looks like our protagonist isn't the best to have right now. Also looks like the students are scared and confused out of their mind. Well it looks like someone wants to kill and you don't know who,but I do ~up pu pu pu~" the curtains close

Day 5

As I woke up I rethought about going to the lunch I'm as promised,but I still went. As I walked down the hall I noticed something shiny on the floor. I picked it up and it was a coin with Monokuma's face on it and said mono-mono coin. I then popped it into the mono-mono machine thinking they make up. Then it worked and I span the dial. A little prize capsule fell out. When I opened it, the inside had a folded piece of paper. I opened it and it showed a smoothie recipe list.

I walked into the room. Everyone seemed so scared and depressed. I couldn't blame them on the inside I was dead with fear as well. Then I got a bright idea. "Hey guys lets all have a smoothie contest." I said smiling. "How we don't even have a ingredient list." Said Alexis painting her nails. "I do, I got it from that game machine." I said before running into the kitchen for supplies.

I came back and the only people who joined me was Atalia, Trinity, Justin, and Ethan. "Okay let's see who can make the best smoothie." I said putting some stuff into the blender.

After we all finished it ended up with my smoothie the berry blast. Atalia's banana shake. Justin's chocalate mint. Finally Trinity's fruity chocalate.

"Mmmm, these are yummy!" Said Ethan drinking his. "Ugh they look gross." Said Alexis. "Nope try one!" Screamed Manny shoving one into her face. While she got it trying to get him to back off, he smoothie spilled all over her. "Ugh! Your so dumb leave me alone. Now I have to take a shower." She screamed running out of the cafeteria.

Atalia started to laugh "that's what you get for not smoothie and relaxing time!" She bust out into laughter. "Oh gosh that was corny." I yelled making it hard to breath. After that we all enjoyed the time. After that we headed back to our rooms.

End of day 5

"Awww man... I was hoping for a killing not fun! I bet you where two. Well this is bullshit and I have honey to eat so all of yah fuck off!" The curtains closed.

Day 6

I woke up like it was any normal day. When I headed to the cafeteria I notice something strange. There was something thick in the air. The smell filled my nose and tainted my senses. I noticed it was coming from the girls bathroom. But when I walked in there I regret ever following that scent.

There on the floor was Trinity my cousin, dead covered in blood. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" All I could hear was myself scream until I passed out. I could even fell a tear or two drop form my face.

Alive 21, Dead 1

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