Chapter 5: A White Rose blackend ( deadly days)

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I was at the auditorium's for frame. I was just staring at the blood that covered Noah and Alexis. Behind me I saw Atalia on her knees shoving her hands into her face and crying. Kiera returned with the others. "W-why?" Asked Manny. "Alexis..." Cried Atalia softly. "W-we need to investigate." Said Larissa walking to the stage with clenched fist. "Y-yeah." I said weakly walking to the stage as well.

Investigation start!

As I walked onto the stage I saw the bodies. I started with Alexis she had a noticeable knife wound in her chest. It looked around the size of a kitchen knife.

Bullet: knife wound ( Alexis)

I then noticed she was laying down. She resembled sleeping beauty in away. She was also holding something in her hands. I opened them to see it was nonthing,but a black powder was rubbed against her hands. "That's strange. Is it make up?" I asked myself. Kiera walked up behind me. "Ah no that is something else. I can tell." He said serious, but then skipped off. She is something else.

Bullet: mysterious black powder

"Hey! Moron did you check the file!?" Said Monokuma jumping out of the blue. "Ahhh!" I yelled. "Ahhh!" The bear yelled back. "Why did you scream?" I asked still a little spooked. "You scared me! Anyway did you check the file?" Asked the bear....sweating? "N-no." I said reaching in my pocket. "Make sure you do god!" He said walking away.

I open up the file after my strange conversation with Monokuma.

Monokuma file #7

Victim: Alexis Pitami
Time of death: 6:30
Location: auditorium stage
Cause of death: blood loss
Evidence: had a stab wound in the chest,but as well as some blood dribbled down her mouth. It looks like she had more blood in her mouth and throat.

Monokuma file #8

Victim: Noah Hotel
Time of death: ????
Location: auditorium stage
Cause of death: stabbed to the back with blood loss.
Evidence: there is a bruise on his head. It looks like he was stabbed in the back. Surprise? Or something else.

"Poor guys." I mumbled looking down thoughtfully.

Bullet: Monokuma file #7
Bullet: Monokuma file #8

I went to look at Noah and inspect more of his body. As looking at his shoes I saw he had dried blooded on them. "Wait if it was dry dose that mean he was killed long ago?" I asked out loud. " Maybe." Said Larissa walking up behind me. I jumped a little,but remained calm. "So he had blood on his shoe?" She said shaky. I couldn't put on nose on it but Larissa seemed to be more on edge.

Bullet: Noah's shoes
Bullet: Larissa's actions

I then continued to examine him. I look at his back with the knife sticking out. It was pretty deep in there as well. Justin walked over to me. "Oh hey." He said looking down. "Why is the cut so deep?" He asked. "I'm not sure.. Wait wouldn't you know you do shoot arrows sometimes and stuff." I said reminding him of his past. "Well for something like this to be that deep the murder would either have to throw it or shove it in with tremendous force." He said crossing his arms. "Makes sense." I sighed.

Bullet: Justin's testimony

After I looked at Noah one more time I saw his glasses where broken. They where shattered and still placed on his face,but the shards where all underneath him and scattered.

Bullet: Noah's glasses

I then looked over at him once more to see that no more evidence would be found. I then walked over to Alexis. At closer inspection she had blood splattered on her shirt, legs, and most of the stage in front of her. "That's really weird." I said. Kiera joined in. "Mhhh it's strange my dear Watson isn't it." She smiled. "Well yah cause look at how the blood splattered." I said pointing to the mess. "Hmmmhmhmhm I got it she must of threw up blood, cause there is blood in her mouth and throat!" She said. "That makes a lot of sense, but why the knife?" I asked confused. "Mm maybe the murder was making sushi?" She said drooling a little. "Sure." I said walking away slowly. "Even though she may be weird she certainly is smart." I said in the thoughts of my head.

Bullet: Kiera's Testimony

After looking at Alexis I noticed that her pool of blood and the blood in her clothes where dry, so it's possible that she die a long while ago. As I looked over at Noah I noticed his was still damp. "Then that could mean they where killed at different times." I said looking back and forth.

Bullet: Blood state

After looking at the blood I saw that a couple of foot prints lead to Noah's body. That would make sense with his bloody shoe so that means Noah might be Alexis killer,but on second look there is a small and then a much larger foot print size over to Noah.

Bullet: Bloody foot print path

I looked at Alexis and saw there was no more clues on her body,but I saw something shiny. I then reached into grab it. It's felt metal it was more steel, then I pulled it out to see a dented metal pipe. "Woah." I said looking at it as it shines with its glory. "Why is this so interesting?" I said aloud. I then looked at the metal and noticed on the dented part a strand of brown hair sat there. "This could be either Noah's or Alexis's hair." I said recording this information.

Bullet: Steel pipe

I then entered back stage and took a look around. I first noticed the smell railing to the far right of the room. There was a railing and then curtain ropes in the other side. On the railing on the pipes where missing with a tool box full of sharp objects scattered next to it. " So this is origin of the pipe." I said to myself looking at the tools.

Re-loaded: Steel pipe
Bullet: tool box

I then left the room and headed out for the others. I went to the nurses office first still curious about the powered. When I walked in I headed straight for the medicine cabinet. My eyes crossed over to see that a poison bottle was missing,but the only missing color was red as there was one color for one bottle. The black stood there on the cabinet. I then looked over to see the proteins and medical supplies where fully stocked. "Strange." I mumbled.

Bullet: Medicine cabinet

I then walked into the kitchen to find a missing knife,but to my surprise all knives where accounted for. "Wait shouldn't there be some missing?" I asked myself aloud. "No I was here all night with Kiera and no one came in the kitchen." Said Caitlyn. "Then where did the knife come from?" I asked rubbing my chin.

"Well it is possible that someone owned the knife. Just like Emily's case." She said twirling her hair. "Hmmm true I should go check. Thank you Caitlyn." I smiled exiting the room.

Bullet: Caitlyn testimony/ alibi

As I entered the auditorium I walked into the stage and as soon as I looked close to the knife I heard Monokuma,
"Bing bong ding dong investigation has now ended please head to the elevator where we will commence the trial for Noah and Alexis!" He laughed and then his voice cut. "Great." I mumbled but turned around to look and see Monokuma with the knife. "Upupupu investigation over~" he giggled disappearing into the curtains.

I then dropped my head. "Great." I moaned. As I walked out of the auditorium I kicked something white, I looked down and picked it up. The item was an inhaler with my he name of Larissa Zumi on it. "Why is this next to the stage?" I asked shoving it in I my pocket and save these questions for later.

Bullet: Larissa's inhaler

As I entered and elevator everyone had sad faces, especially Atalia. Her face seemed somewhat purple and pale.  She was shaking as well. I then noticed that Larissa was shaky too and heavy breathes. I then turned my back and looked at the doors closing. I then felt the elevator shake and descend to the trial room. The whole world shook as we arrived. As I took place at my podium I looked around. "I need to solve this case,because this is life or death!" I yelled in my head.

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