Chapter 3: Fighting for the Weak (normal days)

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Day 12.

I woke up that morning and I could still she clays purple face in my head. It's terrible, he killed Emily and then die. I finally got out of bed and went to the cafeteria.

Everyone was silent. We where now down to 18 people. I'm scared for the next person. "Morning Tyler." Said Justin eating an apple. "Morning." I faked a smile back. Everyone was so quote and sad. That was until Alex walking in. He sat down like he was some big person. He put his feet on the table.

Ally walked in as well and I noticed that she had a big purple slap across her face. Shiloh was the first to react and ran to her. "Ally what happened!" She screamed shaking her shoulders. "Oh.. This... Well I got on of those slappy things from the toy machine and hot my face by accident." She giggled embarrass. "Okay I thought someone hurt you." She smiled hugging. After that we all went our own ways. I went into my room. I decided to sleep and draw for the rest of the day.

Day 12 end

"Time for new areas for new despair." Curtains closed.

Day 13

I woke up in my room again. I just realized that I been way too lazy this week. I went to the cafe and sat by justin like normal. Until Monokuma popped out of the floor boards like always. "Okay bastards you guys bin so lazy so I opened another area for you have fun!" He yelled disappearing.

After that everyone left to explore. I walked out to notice that the hall way next to auditorium was not blocked off any more. I walked down to see a door on my right. I entered and noticed that it lead to the main office. After I left the room I walked down more and noticed a double pair of doors to my left,I walked in to enter in the auditorium at the bottom and close to the stage. "Hmm strange." I mumbled to myself.

After that I walked down to see a nurses office on my right again. As I walked in there was a desk, a door on the left that had a small room with some storage of medications and other things. The. There was two more offices and a boy and girls room. It had beds and bathrooms. "It must be meant for people who are sick." I said. After that I left the room and went back to exploring.

I walked a little more and noticed a room on my left. When I walked bye I saw a piña with a cover on it. It made me get images of William's execution. I felt sick in my stomach. When I walked into the door there was a stair case and a little hallway. I walked down the hall way and it lead to the stage. Strange again. After that I went up the stair case.

I walked around to see a couple of rooms. There was one room full of costumes. I walked in to see Alexis. "Hi Alexis." I said. She panted heavily. "Hello." She responded. "Why are your out of breath." I asked. "I was doing a bunch of acting and costumes and it kinda got out of hand after I tired most of them on." She said running to change in her next costume. I quickly left and letting her be. After that I went to look around. Only to fine about three more empty rooms.

I left that place alone. But before I left I noticed a mini hallway. I walked to it and then saw a staircase. I walked down it to noticed I was in the same mini hallway with the piano and the stairs leading to the changing rooms. This entire area just goes in circles!

I went back to the main hallway. There was another hallway but I will save that after I finish exploring this part. I walked down even further and notice a band room. I walked in to see Ethan. "Hey buddy." I said. "Hey Tyler." He started to play the trumpet."where did you find that?" I asked. "I found a case with my names and some of the others on them as well." He said pointing to the case with his name on it. After that I left the band room and went down the hall to find a music room with some practice rooms. After that I went down further. To find a chorus room a mini hall way with classrooms and a computer room at the end.

I then headed to the last hallway. There was finally a gym with changing rooms for boys and girls and a nice sized pool with changing room as well. There was also staff doors but all locked. I explored the entire new area and headed back to my room for sleep.

Day 13 end

"Dumb and boring is all that it seems also be patient with updates don't you understand people have life's.....wait fourth wall broken." Curtains closed.

Day 14

I woke up and went to the cafe ally had another bruise on her face. I'm starting to think she isn't falling.. It looks like a hand. "Ally!Who did this to you!" Shiloh screamed. "I fell this time." She said. "No you didn't! Who did this!" She screamed. "Alex." She said silently.

"That bastard."he ran over to a scared Alex. "You bitch." She punched him started in the gut causing him to fly to the floor. Alex was on the floor gasping for air. Everyone stood there not knowing what to do. Until Ethan spoke up. "I'll take him to the nurses office." He said dragging him through the doors. After that scene everyone went separate ways. I went back to my room. I felt my head a little dizzy. I went to the nurses office to see if there was anything that would make me feel better.

I walked in to see that no one was in here. I thought Alex was in here a second ago. I didn't think on it to much so I took my rest and went to sleep.

Day 14 end

"Lame lame oh lame day. Pretty much how the creator of this book spends his day." Curtains closed.

Day 15

I woke up and the nurses office remembering yesterday.i felt better but not totally. I walked in the cafe to see everyone gathered around Alexis. I join in and I started to hear the conversation. "We can all put in a play." She smiled brightly. "Who would be in the cast?" Asked Atalia. "Hmm here." She put a sign up sheet in front of us.

The people who ended up signing were Alexis, Manny Shiloh, Larissa,Alex,Caitlyn Atalia, and ally. They decide to put on Peter Pan. They then put up a list for who is who.

Manny-Peter pan
Ally- John
Shiloh- Captain Hook
Larissa,Atalia,caitlyn-lost boys

They all planned for the play tomorrow. I went back to my room. And had a knock on my door. I opened it to see it was Larissa and Shiloh. "Shouldn't you two be preparing for the play?" I asked. "Yes,but we found something while cleaning." Said Larissa showing me a picture. The picture was of everyone smiling and having fun. The background was the school and extra photos where attach. The people's photos where justin,Alina,and Ben.

"We found it in the storage room of the changing rooms." Said Shiloh. "It's weird I don't recall any of this." Said Larissa a little sad. I was still looking over it. "Well we will see yah we have to go back and help." Said Shiloh leaving with Larissa. After that I decided to take a sleep until the play.

Day 15 end

"Ohh the fine arts how wonderful." Curtains closed.

Day 16

I woke up to a knock on my door. It was Alexis dressed in a Wendy costume. "Come on we only have a little while." She said dragging me to the auditorium. I took my seat and waited, the lights then turned out. The play started it was very interesting how they made them fly and remember their lines. Then ally came into the stage,but hade another bruise on her face and red eyes. I then heard a scream and it look like I was the only one I jumped out of my seat. I snuck upstairs. I then saw a shadow moving through the hall. "Hey get back here." I yelled. "It ran down the second staircase I soon followed,but when I got to the first floor they disappeared. I soon returned to the changing room. I then noticed blood on the floor leading to the closet. I opened and what I was thinking was true. There was Alex's dead body hanging from the ceiling of and closet by his shirt.

Alive,17 dead,5

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