- the pack | a new hope

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What do you do when your whole world falls apart? When you have nothing left to live for?
Well you find reason, you find a life worth living.

The hunters killed them. They killed one of their own. They killed my family when we were meant to be working as one. One body, one mind, one family.
They first took my little brother, kept him as a toy to lure my parents to their final mission. My mum and dad sent me away to florida, I like to think they new what would happen. As if it were inevitable. The coronary report was written fast, like new discoveries were made every minute; as if it was exciting for them. It said-
'Age of small child to determined
Only thing on this person was a small star pin.
Found bound to the floor, malnourished, no other markings.
Cause of death: Single bullet
TOD: 02:00
Man around 40 left with electrical wounds, rope burns, and thin markings to the neck. Obvious struggle. Has stab wounds(shallow wounds. self inflicted?)
Cause of death: Single bullet
TOD: 02:30
Women around 30, no physical trauma. Lots of strain against a person? Skin and blood under nails.
Cause of death: Single bullet
TOD: 05:40'

I wasn't meant to read the full report, ever.
When I got picked up by a family friend for a holiday I was excited, they said they were going to pick up my brother, Ryan, the next day once everything had settled. I was 8 but I thought I knew everything . I thought knew when Braeden cried, I thought I knew when the police asked me questions. But i'll never know who took my family away, who took away the only life I knew.

When you are 8 you think you can take on anything, until you lost your parents, the people who get you through everything. No matter the cost. My parents were my guiding compass. One day I would go back home, bring them justice and build my own family. A family with an unbreakable bond, no secrets, and full of life.

8 Years Later
Today was the first day of my new life in Beacon County, California. I had finally got into the deputy programme in Beacon Hills Sheriff department. With it I would attend Beacon Hills High School 3 days a week. Nervous was an understatement, too go back to my home town? Thrilling yet horrifying. Would I know who killed my family, will I find out myself?
I walking into the station with as much confidence as I could muster with my provided uniform; I was greeted by a young deputy who kindly took me to the sheriff.
'He'll be out in a moment'
*He's cute*
'Um Thanks !'
'Oh my god i'm so sorry did i say that aloud??'
'Yeah it's alright secrets safe with me'. Ugh secrets.
After a few minutes the sheriff called to me, his office was oddly disoriented for someone who had solved the most cases out of the entire county. He introduced him self as Sheriff Stilinki, then his son, who was also carrying out the program.
'Hi im Stilinki. Stiles Stilinki. You can call me Stiles though as not as it's not my real name that's hard to say let me help you it's m-'
His father interrupted him abruptly, obviously used to the continuous waffle.
Over the next 30 mins the sheriff explained what work would need to be passed to have the opportunity to become an investigator. Question after question flowed out of Stiles, but the last was for me.
'Hey (Y/N) want me to pick you up for school? You can meet my friends!'
A new life?
'Yeah. Id like that'

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