20: Drone Encounter

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting brief shadows over the wooded terrain as Toshiro, Ren, and Baz set off toward Homs. Baz directed the vehicle using gestures, thoughts, and the occasional vocal command, while Toshiro and Ren sat behind him in the back seat.

"Here, look," Ren said, handing Toshiro her binoculars. "Tell me what you see."

He raised them to his eyes, adjusting the focus until the distant ruins of the Fortress came into view.

Toshiro gasped in disbelief. "Unbelievable," he exclaimed. The image of the once-mighty Fortress flashed through his mind, a stark contrast to the fallen remains before him. "There's barely anything left of it."

Ren leaned in closer to Toshiro, snatching the binoculars from him. Her eyes widened in horror as she gazed at the crumbling castle, tears welling up in her eyes. "It's horrible," she cried out. "Look at all the smoke! Drones are swarming it like vultures!"

The reality of the devastation was astounding.

Toshiro knew Ren's connection to the Fortress ran deep. He looked up at Baz, who kept his eyes locked on the road ahead with laser-like intensity. "Should we stop?" Toshiro asked. "You must be curious. Pull over or let me drive."

Baz's grip on the dashboard tightened, his face determined. "Our priority is the mission. Stopping would be reckless." His words were firm, showing no signs of wavering in his decision.

Toshiro nodded, impressed by Baz's dedication to the task at hand.

As they continued their perilous journey, Toshiro couldn't shake the haunting image of the ruined Fortress from his mind. The weight of Ren's sorrow and Baz's determination, along with his own fears and resolve, spurred him onward.

The sun cast a warm glow on the Valley of Christians as they navigated their camouflaged vehicle through its winding roads. Despite the looming vog stacks, the air was relatively clear that day, offering a view of the lush hills and ancient monasteries that dotted the landscape like silent guardians.

"Look at that," Toshiro murmured, his eyes transfixed by the breathtaking vista below. "It's hard to believe there's a war going on out there."

"Take it in while you can," Baz replied, his hands gripping the dashboard. "We still have a long way to go."

Toshiro nodded, his eyes darting back and forth, scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. The tranquil landscape was deceiving, hiding the ever-present threat of enemy drones flying above.

Baz interrupted the silence, his voice strained with urgency. "We must avoid the northbound drone army," he said as he waved a glowing holographic map into existence.

Toshiro studied the intricate details on the map. "What about taking the southern route through the valley?" he suggested, tracing the winding path with his finger.

Ren glanced up from her control pad for a moment and declared, "I agree. Let's move!"

As they descended into the valley, a sudden gust of wind swept through the nearby olive grove, causing the leaves to dance and shimmer in the sunlight. "It's truly breathtaking," Ren remarked.

After a short time, as they rounded a bend, they came upon a small town, seemingly untouched by the ongoing war. It was the third town they had encountered on their journey. Baz reduced their speed, noticing the prominent "No Rebels" sign at the entrance, guarded by armed civilians who seemed wary of outsiders.

Baz muttered, "Looks like we've got company," as he scanned the townspeople with a watchful gaze.

Toshiro's brows furrowed, his grip on his prosthetic arm tightening. "We can't turn back now. Too risky with the drones."

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