25: Traversing Shadows

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The first light of dawn painted the sky with an ethereal blend of pinks and oranges, casting a warm glow over the desert town of Manin. Toshiro admired the sunrise as it illuminated the sandy landscape and the distant mountains near Lebanon.

"Have either of you ever been to this place?" Toshiro asked, turning to face Baz and Ren.

"No," Ren replied, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for answers among the shifting sands. "But something tells me we'll find Alex, and everything will be okay."

Baz snorted. "We better. Or this rescue mission is for nothing."

Toshiro's prosthetic arm twitched involuntarily, betraying his apprehension. "I just hope we can keep a low profile," he murmured, his thoughts flickering to the bounty that Zo had undoubtedly placed on his head. "The last thing we need is more attention."

Ren edged closer to Toshiro, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Her fingers brushed against the cool metal of his prosthetic arm, sending a shiver down his spine. "We'll be fine if we stick together," she whispered, her voice tinged with determination. "We've come this far, haven't we?"

Toshiro nodded, trying to quell the unease gnawing at the edges of his mind. "Alright," he said, taking a deep breath as they ventured further into Manin. "Let's see what this place has in store for us."

Manin unfolded before them like an ancient tapestry, its vibrant colors and intricate patterns weaving a story that beguiled the senses. The morning markets were a cacophony of sights, sounds, and smells—merchants hawking their wares, children laughing as they darted between stalls, the intoxicating aroma of spices mingling with the earthy scent of the desert.

Baz breathed in deeply, his eyes alight with nostalgia. "Remember when people actually had lunchtime?" he mused, gesturing towards a stall laden with steaming pots of fragrant stew. "Not like now, with everyone hooked up to these damn sugar pump machines."

"Things change," Ren replied softly, her gaze distant.

As they weaved through the bustling market, Toshiro could feel the weight of curious gazes upon them. It was clear that outsiders were a rarity in Manin, and their presence had not gone unnoticed.

Toshiro said, "Let's do what the fish tank recommended and locate that bartender."

"I'll try asking someone for directions," Baz said, nodding towards a group of locals chatting animatedly by a fountain. "How hard can it be to find a bar?"

"Only one way to find out," Toshiro muttered, steeling himself for the inevitable encounter.

"Excuse me," Baz called out, flashing a friendly smile at the cluster of townspeople. "We're looking for a certain bar. Could you help us out?"

The chatter ceased abruptly, replaced by a palpable air of unease. The locals exchanged wary glances before one of them stammered, "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

Baz took a step towards them.

"Whoa, whoa, we don't want any trouble!" another cried.

But Baz wasn't one to give up. "It's alright, we just need a little direction—"

The third stranger interrupted, protesting their innocence. "Sorry, we're not involved! Please, leave us alone!"

The group dispersed hastily, leaving Toshiro, Ren, and Baz standing alone by the fountain.

"Well, that was weird," Ren remarked, arching an eyebrow.

Toshiro laughed, "Great job, Baz!"

He sighed and said, "Let me give it another shot." But he faced the same issue with an autowalker passing by.

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