Chapter 6

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Bee was snacking on her third funnel cake of the day when she heard someone laugh behind her. She glanced behind her and saw a girl and guy by the the water balloon toss game. The balloon had popped on the girl as the boy had tossed it to her. They both were laughing as the boy gave her a towel from the stand. Bee smiled. She finished up her funnel cake and got back on her unicycle. She pulled out bowling pins and started to pedal all around the carnival. The giggles of little kids followed everywhere she went and she smiled as she continued on. When she made it back to Bev's stand, she stayed in one place and started doing all sorts of tricks. She always had a comically large can for tips in front of her as she did the requested tricks. Someone requested that she did a triple backflip into the splits and she did, even if barely. Bev winced at that. The crowd kept growing and Bee was getting tired. "I will take one more challenge. Even clowns need to rest." The crowd roared as everyone tried to get theirs heard. A little boy in the front came up and tugged on her shirt. "Can you do a cartwheel?" Bee smiled. "Totally." She stood up and instead of doing a two handed cartwheel, she just did one hand too show off for the kid. When she finished the kid was beaming and he ran off into the crowd. "Thank you for watching! I hope you all come tomorrow for more!" As the crowd dispersed, Bee went over to the tip jar. It was nearly full. She smiled. All this for my hard work. She sat down at the table next to Bev's stand and groaned. "That was a difficult day." Bev smiled. "I do not envy you. I mean, you had to do three backflips into the SPLITS!" Bee laughed and Bev smiled as she sold some cotton candy to two teenagers. "Hey aren't you Bee Johnson?" Bee looked at them and smiled. "Yes, do I know you?" One of them shook their head. "No but you're famous around school!" The other piped up and said, "Yeah. All the freshmen remember you from here. You are kind of a celebrity with us." Bee beamed and sank down into the bench. She was exhausted and just wanted the day to be over, but she knew that it was her source of money for college. "Can we get your autograph?" Bee sat up straight. "Mine?" They nodded enthusiastically. "Alright..." One held out a notebook and pen. "To anyone specific?" They nodded. "To Yin and Ben." She signed and handed the book and pen back. "Here you go." They gasped in unison and ran off. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She smiled and lay down on the bench. "Wake me up if Drew comes by." Bev snorted and smiled. Bee closed her eyes and drifted off into a light doze. 


"Bee, wake up." She jolted awake and found Bev and Callie hovering over her. "Oh thank goodness." Callie sighed. "We thought you died." Bev elbowed her partner in the ribs and Callie winced. "Sorry." Bev helped her up. "Drew is coming." Bee rubbed her eyes and sat up. "How long was I out?" Bev laughed. "Thirty minutes." Bee shrugged. I'll just sleep tonight. "How's it going ladies and Callie?" Bev and Bee laughed. "It's going." Luna was hovering behind him and was sneaking glances at Bee. Bev saw and chuckled. "Drew you better keep an eye on your sister or she might run off and join a circus with Bee." They all laughed and Luna blushed. Bee smiled. She thought it was cute that Luna was still around even after learning she was trans. "I need to keep doing my rounds. Keep up the good work." As he was leaving another person approached. "What is up Hylaeus?" Bee smiled. Her brother was always welcome. "What's up Cotton candy? Still as sweet as ever?" Cotton stuck his tongue out at her and moved next to Callie. "Aren't you Callie? Bev's partner?" They nodded and smiled. "Do you want to prank your sister with me later?" They whispered. "Heck yeah!" Bee gave them a look that said 'Don't push it'. Cotton didn't notice and looked all around. "Beeee. I want to go to the ferris wheeeeel." He whined. Bee groaned. "Fine. Brat." He stuck his tongue out again. "Jerk." She ruffled his hair and they started towards the ferris wheel. 

They got in line and waited for what seemed like forever. When they finally got to the front, Cotton seemed like he was about to explode with anticipation. They got on one of the cars and they went shooting to the sky. Something that made their ferris wheel better than all the rest, is that it went at a speed that was just above the average one. Making it all the more exhilarating. It went round and round four times before it was time for them to switch off. They jumped off and Bee found herself wandering towards the funnel cake stand. "You have a serious problem Hylaeus." She smiled. "So what one do you want?" He gave her a pointed look. "I'll have the choco blast." She smiled. "Good choice." They sat down and ate their funnel cakes together in peace while they waited for closing. After closing, Bee called their mom to come pick them up. Cotton had to go back to the hospital, but since he was getting better he would be able to come home in no time. Bee's spirit went down once her brother left and her mom noticed. "Want to go and pick up a pizza?" Seeing what her mom was doing, she nodded and they went to Costco and picked up a large pepperoni. They got home and devoured it as fast as a person snapping. She washed all the makeup off and got into her pajamas. She lay in bed for a long time before falling asleep and dreaming of her brother. 

Thank you for reading this part. I know the ending is rushed, but I feel pretty good about this chapter. I hope you enjoyed and continue reading!

Just Clowning Around!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora