Chapter 22

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Bee woke up in a mood totally different than the night before. All she felt like doing was crying. She cuddled closer to Nivani and she adjusted accordingly. Luna noticed the lack of heat and moved closer as well. Small tears ran down Bee's face and she buried her face in Nivani's shirt. "What's wrong, Honey?" Nivani asked. "I don't know." Bee replied. Her voice muffled by the shirt. "Shhh..." Luna said sleepily. "Still *yawn* tired." Bee was sandwiched between the two of them and she couldn't be more delighted, despite her mood. "I don't want to go to work today. I suppose I should, though. It's closing soon and I should put as much work in as I can before it happens." Nivani was silent for a while. A ding sent Nivani to her phone. Her face lit up and Bee sat up. Luna was still attached to her waist but it didn't stop Bee. Nivani typed something into her phone and set it back down. "What was that about?" Asked Bee. "Nothing, Honey. Just work. I need to get back to the city sooner or later. I am the CEO after all." Bee sighed. She knew the day would come eventually but she tried to pretend it wouldn't. Luna sat up. Her hair cutely messy. Bee smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, Moon. We didn't mean to wake you." Luna waved her away and got up. "I'm going to make a pot of coffee. I can't function without it." Bee and Nivani watched Luna shuffle out. "Do you have to leave so soon?" Nivani nodded sadly. "I do. But there may be something I can do for you before I do." She checked her phone and smiled at what she saw. "As I thought." She laughed at herself and turned back to Bee. "If Drew hasn't already sold the carnival I will buy it." Bee stiffened. "Why would you do that? It benefits you in no way whatsoever." Nivani sighed and shook her head. "Is it so much for you to think someone would do something nice for you?" Bee had tears in her eyes again. "I don't know how to express my gratitude." Bee gasped out. Nivani pulled her close and Bee kissed her. She rested her head on Nivani's chest and sat there until Luna came in to announce that coffee was ready. Nivani and Bee both had one cup while Luna had three and got ready to go. Nivani took an ear piece from her room and started working. 


When Bee got to work she was surprised to find it had already opened. She got to Bev's stand and saw it was half constructed and Bev was standing in it with only six bags of cotton candy. Bee's heart broke at the sight of it. "What happened?" Bee asked. "Well it seems like my stand is next to be sold." Bev said, defeated. Bee started pacing. She hoped Drew hadn't sold the carnival yet. But it being as late in the summer as it was, she doubted he could possibly still have ownership. "Have you seen Drew?" Bee asked. Bev shook her head. Bee cursed under her breath and pulled out some pins to juggle. It always seemed to calm her anxious energy. Once she seemed to have calmed herself down she set off to find Drew. She pedaled all around the carnival and only found him when she got back to Bev's booth. She groaned internally at how if she waited she would have found him faster. "Drew!" She ran up to him, out of breath. "I need to talk to you about something." He nodded understanding. "Nivani already messaged me explaining. I hate to tell you this, but I already sold the company to someone." 
"Who?" Bee nearly yelled. She was quite tired of things not going her way. "StarHive." He said hesitantly. She froze. Why does he keep coming back? She thought. "So, did you know you were selling to my dad or did that only recently come to you?" She asked, her voice filled with venom. Drew looked down. "Look, I only want to provide for my sister."
"So do I!" She yelled. "But I am going to take it as you knew it was my dad the whole time. Why? Why did you sell to him?" Drew's face seemed to harden. "I don't need to explain myself to you." He walked away before Bee could fully comprehend what he had meant. She pulled out her phone, which she realized she could had used to find Drew. 


why did you buy my carnival. : Bee

Daniel : The same reason I named my company around you
Daniel : Come live with me again Bee
Daniel : We can go somewhere far away from here.

Yeah no thanks : Bee
i prefere mom over you anyway : Bee
prefer* : Bee

Daniel : take that back

yeah no : Bee

Bee closed her phone and put her phone on vibrate. She could feel it going off but ignored it. She didn't know what possessed her to text him in the first place. She sat down but got back up immediately. She ran to the funnel cake stand and ordered two very large funnel cakes and left the carnival. She went to the lake she, Nivani, and Luna had gone to. She cried and ate for a long time before she heard someone approaching. She turned and saw a lady about her mom's age coming up to her with a flower cart. "The bees especially love this one." She said giving Bee a beautifully bright borage. The lady continued on her way as if nothing had happened and Bee smiled into the flower. She sniffed it and smiled. She understood why bees loved it so much. It didn't have a smell and she loved that. Its fuzzy stem was soft on her hands and she put in her hair. She picked up her trash and threw it away. As she was in a good mood now she decided she would go back to the carnival. She sighed when she got to the gates and went in to where she would entertain until her father took away her one true passion. Physical comedy.

Thank you for reading! I can't believe how many views this story is getting! I have never gotten this many. Well, I hope you continue to make that number go up! And thank you again for reading!

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