Chapter 19

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A month and a half flew by before Bee could comprehend and it was nearing August. The carnival's crowd was steady as always but the rush of the opening was over. They were getting more and more days off as the carnival was closed more often. There were signs all over saying how it was closing and it was the last month. Bee was afraid what would happen when it was over for good. It was like some of the last of her childhood was leaving. She sighed as the weight of all these thoughts pressed on her mind. "You alright?" Bee nodded but Bev can always tell when something bothers her. "It's the carnival isn't it." Bee nodded again. "Yeah I bet. You have gotten quite attached. But you could become a clown for real! You could join a circus and have a tragic love story with one of the acrobats." Bee laughed. "I was not ready for that. And plus I have two amazing girlfriends already. But I might do the circus this though." Callie walked up at that minute. "What circus thing?" Bev exited her booth and kissed her partner. "Bee is going to run away and join the circus." Callie ran up to Bee. "Can I join you!?" Bee doubled over in laughter. "Of course you can. But I think Bev would cry." Bev started to make mock crying noises and Callie rushed back over to her. "I am sorry my love but I must run away with Bee." Bev cried. "But Callie, I love you!" Callie backed away in a somber way. "I am sorry but my mother arranged this! She says I must marry Bee or she will kill you!" Bee slapped her palm to her forehead and got up. "But Callie-" Callie turned abruptly. "No buts Bev for if you truly love me you will let me go." Bee walked away as the two of them acted out their love story. She went to the funnel cake stand and ordered a Bursting Berry Boom. It was a funnel cake baked with honey and covered with mixed berries. When it was done she took it to a table in the shade and sat down. The late July heat was beating down and Bee didn't want her makeup to melt. She looked around at all the happy faces around her. Little kids chasing each other and teenagers with their arms around thier partner's shoulders. Or little old ladies riding the ferris wheel. It made Bee's heart fill up when she saw the fun and laughter the carnival brought. But the feeling instantly dampened when she remembered it was only one more summer. She sighed and nibbled on her funnel cake. "Well if it isn't the clown." She heard a semi-familiar voice cry out. She groaned internally and turned around. It was the boy whose nose she broke. She hadn't expected to see him again so soon after. "I have a name." He smirked. " 'I have a name.' " He said mockingly. "You sound so stupid." Bee scoffed. "Is this how you pick up girls? Oh wait, you haven't pulled any." Leif chuckled from inside their stand and the boy shot them a withering glare. "You think you're all it don't you. Being all high and mighty on stilts or something. Well I hope you know that I think you got lucky at the gate last month. We were off our game." Bee laughed. "Oh, you hoping for a rematch? Sorry but I don't fight girls." She was losing her appetite and she was only half done with her funnel. She got up and took it with her hoping to lose him in the crowd. "So you single?" He asked. It didn't catch Bee of guard but it did surprise her a little. "Nope." He didn't look at all discouraged in fact, he looked more egged on. "So how about you and me this Friday night at Lucky's." Bee looked him up and down. "Are you deaf? I said I am taken. Leave me alone." He grabbed her wrist. Her face paled. "Let me go." 
"C'mon can I at least have you name?" She closed her eyes to try and keep herself from having a panic attack. "I said let me go." She said a little more forcefully. A few people had noticed and were staring. "Please don't make this a thing. Let me go." He shook his head. "Not until you tell me your name." She was on the brink of tears when a familiar voice boomed out. "I'll tell you who she is." Bee turned and saw Nivani leaning against the ring toss stall. "Oh hey Angel!" Bee called out between heavy breaths. Nivani's face softened a little at the sight of her girlfriend but stiffened back up when she saw the boy grabbing her wrist. "She is my girlfriend. Hands off." She strode up to them and wrenched his hand from her wrist. Bee hated being small but she played up to it and cuddled up to NIvani's side. He backed away. "Look, Ms. Boyle, I didn't mean any trouble. I just wanted her name. I think she's hot, ya know what I mean?" Nivani slapped him across his face and it sent him stumbling into the booth next to them. "She said she was taken." Nivani growled out. Bee nuzzled her side and Nivani calmed down. "It's alright, love. I'm fine, see!" She held out her wrist. It had a slight redness to it but Nivani simmered down. "Fine. But I am not done with you." She shot one last glare to him and walked away with Bee. "Angel, you didn't need to step in. I was doing alright on my own." Nivani scooped her up into her arms bridal style. "Yeah sure you were." Bee glared but let her carry her back to Bev's booth. She let a overdramatic tear drop down as she realized she had dropped her funnel cake. "I really hate him." Bee said with a snarl. Nivani chuckled. "Same here Honey." Bee smiled. "You owe me a funnel cake." Nivani laughed. "Alright. But I don't get your obsession with it."

I'm back! Sorry it was that long. I should be getting back on my schedule now of every other day chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and continue reading!

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