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"Bee! Hurry up we are going to be late!" Bee glanced at herself one last time in the mirror and was happy with what she saw. She was wearing a bright blue party dress and light makeup. "Coming Bev!" She ran out of their shared apartment's door and down the stairs. "There you are, we are running late to your own event." Bee laughed. "No it's not. It's Nivani's too." Bev rolled her eyes and they got into their 1960s mustang and drove off. Bee was filled with excited energy and couldn't sit still. "Bee, calm down or I will hit you." Bee playfully punched her arm and stuck her tongue out at her. "Sometimes you are such a child." The drive was long and tedious but it would all be worth it. When they pulled up to the building Bee rushed out of the car and inside. "Bee!" "Honey!" She was engulfed in hugs and kisses as she ran right into Luna and Nivani. "Hi Moon, Angel." She kissed each of them and tore away from their embrace. "Are you guys ready?" She cheered excitedly. "Yep!" Bee grabbed their hands and dragged them to their respective places. She got set up and smiled. It felt good to be up high again. As she strapped her high heels onto the stilts she felt the exhilarating rush of being able to die at one misstep. She pulled herself up and wobbled around for a minute before gaining her balance. "Honey you look so good towering over me." Nivani teased. "Be careful what you wish for." She replied. She heard Callie in her earpiece. "Almost time. 5 minutes." Bee was ready and was glad she wore a short dress. Luna had the last few years training and now had her own act. She was perched on top of a beautiful snow white mare named Cherri. They had gathered a whole group of outcasted and exceptional people and now, they were ready. "Five, four, three, two, one." The curtains pulled back and Bee fought back the urge to cover her eyes against the blinding lights. She heard the cheering and knew, she was home. As the performers poured out of the darkness the cheering grew and Nivani flew on graceful feet to the center. "Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and anyone in between to The Wasp Nest! We are so glad to have you here tonight for the grand opening! Will you join me in introducing our performers?" The crowd roared. "Our master of Clowning around, Bee Johnson!" A surge of the crowd and Bee felt like her heart could burst in her chest. "Our trick rider Luna Halliday. Queen of the saddle, and sometimes off the saddle." Another burst of clapping as Luna jumped on and off of Cherri and stood up on her back. "Our Acrobats Koran Lien, and twin sisters Franky and Julia Harrow. Hunters for a thrill." They jumped from one bar to another and did flips, caught each other and all sorts of wild and unthinkable things. "And we could never forget our Tiger Tamer Liza Jackson. Our very own thriller. And last, but not least, Ella McCormick! Our very own tightrope walker! But of course if you look in your pamphlets you will find our group working behind the scenes. But also I would never forget our Ringmaster. Me! I am Nivani Boyle. Head of Boyle Dining and now The Wasp Nest : Traveling Circus!" She smiled as she looked around her. "Enjoy the show folks." She walked out the back and rounded around to the front where she came in with their assortment of animals. "Let the show begin!"

Thank you for reading Just Clowning Around!. I had a ton of fun writing these characters and I hope you had fun reading about them! I am sorry if it feels incomplete and I don't think I will be making a sequel. I hope you enjoyed and tell your friends about it! 

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