Chapter 20

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Nivani strolled up to Bev's booth carrying Bee. It warranted suspicion on Bev's part. "What were you two up to?" Bee glanced down at her wrist and it had a slight mark. "Nothing." Bee said. Her eyes were a little puffy but Bev didn't want to pry. Nivani put her down and Bee sat down on her usual bench. "Thanks to her I didn't get to eat my funnel cake." Bee said angrily to Bev. Bev shot Nivani a glare. "How could you?" Nivani was looking visibly confused and Bev laughed. "Sorry, but funnel cake is her comfort food." Nivani glanced at Bee with in a new light. It clicked together now. Bee had a mysterious and dark past with her father and funnel cake was her comfort food. Bee was glaring at the ground little tears were filling her eyes and she hoped no one could see them. It felt like Bev had ripped off her clothes for the world to see. She felt too vulnerable. She got up and hopped on her unicycle, which was always parked nearby. She pedaled away wiping her tears. This day couldn't get worse , she thought. She ran into someone and fell off her unicycle. "I am so, so, so sorry. I was not paying attention." She looked up and nearly died. "Wow nearly killing a cripple. Low, even for you." Cotton put his hand out and helped Bee up. "Oh, Cotton. You know what, I'm not sorry anymore." Cotton laughed and Mason rolled up in his wheelchair. "Oh hey Bee!" He said. He had two icecreams in his hands. "I didn't expect to see you yet." Bee gave Cotton a teasing look and he blushed. "Oooo~" She said in a sing-song voice. " Are you on a date?" Mason blushed too at that and Bee had her answer. "I'm sorry I probably interrupted something." Bee smacked her forehead and Cotton patted her shoulder. "No don't worry. You didn't interrupt anything. We were going to come see you anyway." He noticed her puffy eyes and a flicker of pity passed through his eyes. "I'm fine Cotton Candy." He didn't look convinced but everyone knew to let her be when she was upset. She got back on her unicycle. "Well, you two lovebirds get back to your date. I'll be on my way." Cotton looked a little sad but nodded. Bee decided she would get another funnel cake. Her secret might have been exposed but it didn't make it any less her comfort. If Leaf was surprised to see Bee back so soon they didn't show it. "I'll have an original please." 
"Coming right up!" Bee was positive she could be a huge part of funding for their business. She laughed at how it was probably and waited for the food. She got it and payed. She loved how it was never too expensive and she was pretty sure Leaf gave her the friends and family discount on the fact that she buys so many a day. She sat down at the table she was at earlier and snacked. It was more peaceful now. It was getting close to closing so there were only the few lingering people left and employees like her. "Hi Bee!" A familiar voice called from behind. She sat up straighter and smiled. "Hello My Moon." Luna sat down next to her and laid her head on Bee's shoulder. Luna had been more affectionate than Nivani while Nivani had been more flirty. Bee moved her funnel cake between them. "Want some?" Luna shook her head. "I have no idea how you eat so many and stay so thin. I would blow up like a pufferfish after one." Bee laughed. Luna did eventually end up taking a small piece and they just talked for a while. At some point Nivani joined them and they shared a heated conversation on what the best part of a circus was. "It's obviously the clowns." Bee argued. "That is a biased opinion. You only say that because you are a clown. The acrobats are the best." Nivani challenged. Luna shook her head. "You have it all wrong. It's the animals. They are the real talent at a circus." Bee just shook her head. "You are all crazy. If you saw half the stuff I do you would agree." Nivani kissed the top of her head and smiled. "I know what the best part of this carnival is. The clown and the ferris wheel operator." The two girls blushed. "You know, I believe I promised Bee the special treatment we gave you that night." Nivani said to Luna. Luna smirked. "I believe we did." Bee gulped. She had always imagined herself as a top. Not ever as a switch. "How about my house?" Nivani suggested. "No one else is home." She purred in Bee's ear. Bee shivered and pulled out her phone. "T-tonight?" She asked. Nivani nodded. Bee texted her mom. She gulped at the response. "She said alright." Bee murmured. Nivani smiled devilishly. "Bring pajamas." Bee closed her eyes. What am I getting myself into?

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. And thank you for sticking with me this far.

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