Chapter 23

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Bee decided that night that she would do everything she could before the carnival closed. She opened up the chat with her dad and told him exactly what she thought.


I have never despised anyone as much I do you. I was very happy with a stable home life and a job. It was great, so why did you have to ruin it? I knew the moment you showed up at the carnival something was up. You hadn't (for good reason) contacted us in two years. I don't know why you did this, but I hope you'll change your mind. : Bee

Daniel : ok

She didn't know what she had expected but it wasn't that. She hoped he would put up fight like he usually did. So she could have more reason to be mad. So she could at least get her anger out for a good reason. She punched a pillow and laid down on her bed. Pumpkin came and plopped down on top of her and Bee let out a dry laugh. At least her dog understood. "Why are people so hard?" She asked Pumpkin. She whined and rested her head on Bee. Bee smiled. Maybe I could just rest my eyes until dinner....


Bee awoke to the sound of Pumpkin scratching at her door. She checked the time and saw it was midnight. She let Pumpkin out and settled back down on her bed. She heard a tapping at her window and got back up. She pulled up her blinds and found the person she least expected. Cotton. "Oh my gosh, Cotton, what happened?" She found herself whisper yelling. She pulled him through the window and saw Mason behind him. When she pulled her hands away from Cotton she found them slippery with bloody water. She leaned through the window and picked up Mason, trying not to panic. Bringing him through proved rather tricky and she had to fight the window for most of it. Once she had them both in the room she turned the light on. "What were you two doing?" She said, her voice getting a little louder. Cotton looked at the floor. "It was my fault. I thought it would be a good idea to go to a party. It was fun until someone brought out the drinks. When everyone had too much to drink, it seemed like a good idea to pick on the gay cripples." Bee closed her eyes. "How did you get out of the hospital?" Mason smirked. "The window." Bee gasped. "You guys are multiple stories up!" Mason shrugged. "I have friends." Bee wasn't sure if she was more impressed or worried. She pulled Cotton's shirt up and found his scars on his back had been reopened. "What did you do to somehow make this happen?" She asked accusingly. She seemed to be asking a lot of the same questions. "The guys at the party thought it would be fun  to make us play limbo. It was fun until it got too close to the ground and the sticks were brushing my back. And by brushing I mean cutting up." Bee sighed and got out her hidden first aid kit. "I'll need you two to take off your shirts so I can take care of your injuries. I mean if you have any." She said to Mason. They both did and Bee sighed, worried. After she had wrapped and bandaided their backs extensively, she sat down on the bed. "How do you two manage to do these kinds of things. I thought in the hospital you would be easier to manage." Cotton shook his head. "You'd be surprised. We actually met at a party. We just didn't want to tell you." Bee shook her head and leaned back on her bed. "I'll have mom drive you back in the morning. Until then, I will be keeping an eye on you. So go to sleep." She got up to turn the light off and when she turned around the boys were curled up together on her bed. She smiled and went over to her bean bag. "Sleep well, boys." 
"Sleep well, Bee." Cotton said. "Mmmbeee." Was what it sounded like Mason said. She smiled and willed herself to sleep.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I know it's shorter but I forgot to write last night and now it's 2:30 am. So, here is your chapter and I hope you like it!

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