Chapter 12

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The drive to Nivani's house was tedious and awkward. Bee couldn't help but keep playing what her father had been saying over and over in her head. She hadn't realized tears were flowing until Nivani put a hand on her thigh in a reassuring way. Bee smiled and stared out the window. She couldn't help but keep hearing her dad call her Colby. It seemed to echo in her head as she thought about all she had to do and endure to get to were she was. Then one word from her dad sent it crashing down. "It was your dad wasn't it." Nivani said. It wasn't a question. Bee nodded. She broke down into sobs and Nivani had to fight to keep her focus on the road ahead. Bee pulled out her phone to text her mom. 


Hey Mom, just wanted to let you know that I will be home late... : Bee

Mom : Alright Sweety!
Mom : Just don't be too late!

I know : Bee

Bee put her phone away and she sighed. Nivani glanced at her and it broke her heart to see Bee like that. Bee could hear the unspoken question Nivani was afraid to ask. "He called me by my dead name..." Nivani filled with anger and she cursed. "Am I allowed to ask what it is?" Bee looked down at her feet. "It's Colby. Bee was my nickname back when he was around and I loved it so much that I just changed my name to it." She started crying again and Nivani pulled into her driveway. She parked and threw her door open. She went around to Bee's side and opened the door. Nivani wrapped Bee in a hug and Bee seemed to calm down. "I'm just glad you haven't ran away yet. Most people I meet are transphobic. Bev only isn't because I am trans and Callie is nonbinary. Her parents were transphobic until I needed a place to stay. I was never much trouble and I barely ate anything. I'm not ashamed of it, it's just sometimes it is easier to not bring it up with new people in fear of them being that." Nivani scooped her up bridal style and Bee let out a squeal. She wrapped her arms around Nivani's neck and laughed. "I've spilled all of my secrets except one, now it's your turn." Nivani laughed. "What do you want to know?" Bee thought about it for a moment before blushing, the color bright against her somehow still pale skin. Nivani knew what she was thinking. "I'm bisexual and polyamorous." Bee's blush deepened. "How did you-" Nivani gave her a look that shut her up. "Nevermind..." Bee mumbled. Nivani set her down on one of two very large couches and Bee took the time to admire the house. She just realized that it was more of a mansion than a house and she was impressed. "I gotta admit you have taste." Nivani laughed from behind her and she turned around to see what she was doing. She was fiddling with some popcorn and threw it in the microwave. She rolled her eyes and got out the salt and tin bowl. Bee was trying to hold in her laughter and she was rolling on the couch when a very skinny and sick looking cat walked into the room. Bee perked up. The cat walked right to her and jumped on the couch. It looked like it hurt so Bee scooped it into her arms and set it in her lap. She was petting it when it started purring. She smiled. Cats always took a liking to her. It may be that she smelled like the sea and fish no matter what perfume or deodorant she used. Nivani came over the couch a minute later carrying a bowl of popcorn and spilling nearly half as she came over the couch. "Ah I see you have found Oliver!" She stroked him down his spine and he stretched in Bee's lap. "He's getting pretty old. It's sad." Bee took a handful of popcorn and shoved half of it in her mouth. "So what movie are we watching?" Nivani thought about it for a moment before lighting up. "What about a classic disney movie portraying hurtful gender stereotypes!" Bee laughed and nodded. "Lets do it!" Bee moved closer to Nivani and Oliver shifted annoyed in her lap and meowed weakly. Nivani moved the rest of the way and Bee rested her head on Nivani's shoulder. Nivani wrapped her arm around her and rested her wings flat against the couch. Nivani took one of Bee's hands in hers and Bee flinched waiting for the moment when she would release the hand after feeling the scales. Instead Ninvani rubbed her thumb up and down against all of the rough scales. Bee looked up into her eyes in amazement. Nivani looked down at her and smiled sadly. "Has no one ever treated you like this before?" Bee shook her head sadly. Nivani and Bee both turned back to the movie. It was The Little Mermaid and Bee was dying at the fact that Ariel was being such a diva over a boy. Bee was getting sleepy and the sound of sleep was pulling at her mind. She peacefully fell asleep to the sound of Under the Sea playing in the background. 

Thank You for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed and will maybe vote. And a question for you, do you think this book should be rated mature? I mean there are some mature things in this but not much... Please tell me if you think I should rate this mature!

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