catching lanes, physical frames

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"Who was that?" asked Joy who sat on the now empty chair, soliciting a condescending tone.

Snubbing the woman who interrupted her conversation with Lisa just as it was getting more interesting, Roseanne craned her neck to check if the artist already reached the door while still deciding whether to chase after her or not. It occurred to her that her logical mind was not functioning properly when it was supposed to be up and running as her default system.

What to do?

Her default system could have easily dictated no. Roseanne Park never chased anybody. Roseanne Park was the one being chased. Everybody naturally gravitated toward her and she always floated in the opposite direction. Yet with Lisa, it was as if her oceans were coming alive.

Something felt wrong.

There was an error in her system.

"Wasn't that the artist who painted you nude?" Joy prodded, sounding the least bit curious about the woman Roseanne had been eyeing but more amused at how the supermodel was acting.




The interrogation carried on. "Is she your new fling?"

Roseanne finally decided to pay attention to the woman who kept spilling whatever. "That was, uh, sooo ruuuude?"

Joy scoffed while unbuttoning her suit. "What did I do? That didn't look like the best conversation you were having so I did the saving."

Roseanne eyed Joy crossly. "You don't know a thing about that conversation."

"Wow." Joy leaned closer to Roseanne, her face inches from the supermodel's, and whispered, "I'm pretty sure I can paint your naked body faster than she could because it's ingrained in my mind when she's only seen it once and didn't even get to experience it."

Roseanne turned her head to the side, muttering, "Get lost." She was about to take her leave when a pair of long arms abruptly pulled her into a back hug.

"I've been lost in you since I met you." The tall woman's lips tickled Roseanne's ear. "How much more of me do you want to get lost in you?'

The blonde tipped her face away from the sensuous lips and freed herself from the arms that trapped her midriff. She faced Joy, pushing the latter on the chest, her eyes sternly not asking for any more touches. "I'm done with this."

The woman in the white suit wore a huge grin. "I missed this play. You always say that but end up on my bed the next night."

Roseanne's thinking system acted fast in reminding her not to get distracted. There was an artist that was about to leave and a decision that was still pending. She caught a glimpse of the statuesque artist glancing back in her direction before completely disappearing behind the door.

A decision had been made right then and there.

She was going after Lisa.

And fuck the rest.

Joy found it amusing. "Now, now. Looks like your new heart wants a new plaything."

a misty gashed apertureWhere stories live. Discover now