another betting game (part 2)

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The rules of Roseanne's betting game were:

#1 – Anyone who wanted to kiss one of the Big Trio must give up a luxury item in exchange for it.

#2 – People could only line up on one of the supermodels, not all of them.

#3 – Whoever got the highest-priced luxury items in total would be the winner.

And the loser?

"Slaps Lisa," Roseanne said indomitably, her lips tightened.

Dumbstruck, Ashley's jaw dropped at her friend being snarky. No, she thought the blonde supermodel was at her top-level childish behavior her idea was outrageously obnoxious. She would not consent to that kind of game, and she made that clear by crossing her legs and arms and leaning back in her seat.

Throwing Roseanne a distrustful yet amused look, Irene burst out laughing. "Kid me not?"

"Not pulling your short leg."

"Fuck you! You are soooo angry even I am scared." Irene was not lying she had to pour herself a shot of tequila and take it without any salt or lemon. And another one.

Gaze still locked in the direction where Lisa, Top, and Sewhee stood chatting, Roseanne's stance changed as she stood up, like in those mere seconds before she would step out from backstage to do her catwalk. Her tummy was filled with only angry butterflies that night, and she could not wait for her show to start.

Just then, Lisa turned in her direction, and she made sure she sent a clear message across. That she did not like what transpired since that afternoon. Since Top. Since the nude painting. And that night made it worse because she was extremely jealous, but no one had to know that.

Sewhee Cho was her exact opposite. A nation's sweetheart. Respected by the likes of Top. Smart. Nice. Became a beauty queen for all her good parts, which was, to Roseanne's own judgment, everything about the former Miss Universe representative. Everything not her. She hated that so much about people like Sewhee. As if sin avoided them, their innocence was never tainted by the kind of impurity that only the likes of Roseanne attracted. They were the kind of people that made life unfair.

She felt so ugly that she held Lisa's gaze fleetingly, then leered at her before looking away, unsure how Lisa took it. That would be the last time she would look at Lisa for the entire night. No. For her entire life. Whatever.

Ashley stared at Roseanne in contempt, not saying anything, not moving her legs to give way to the blonde.

Hand on her hip, Roseanne raised an eyebrow. "Ash, do you want me to pull your legs?"

Irene was on her feet as if on cue. "Before you kill either of us," she stepped out of the booth and gestured at her side of the table. "Just pass here." She threw Ashley a meaningful look. "Ash, we need a referee." Which translated to, she would not be able to control a wild Roseanne.

But Ashley remained seated. "Girl, seriously? In front of Lisa?"

"That's the whole point."

Ashley tossed her head back in frustration. "If you wanted her attention, I think you have every right to go ask for it."

Roseanne wrinkled her nose. "No, not that. This is for making me believe that she wanted me for me."

"Ugh, this whole push-and-pull is so toxic!" Ashley craned her neck to search for Hyeri to back her up, but Roseanne's manager just joined Lisa's circle with her back on them.

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