the spark/the static shocks

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The sensation lingered three days later.

No, Lisa thought.

It was lingering.

That thick part of the skull in between the jaw and cheekbone of the paparazzo remained there underneath the dark purple bruises on her knuckles. It was seeping into her skin, entering her bloodstream to appear in her dream. There was guilt mixed with a reason she believed to be right. Standing up for Roseanne to somebody who had no clue about who the supermodel was beyond the limelight. But did that punch reach the truth she held for herself?

Seated on the floor, she was staring at her right hand as she balled it into a fist. "Dammit," she muttered at the discomfort. She was experiencing episodes of breakthrough pain caused by her mind flaring the images of violence she was capable of.

She felt it to her bones.

She had done something worse.

Lifting her eyes at the finished painting in front of her, she saw her guilt and vague memory represented by bold, dark strokes that were holding down some kind of monster that did not have eyes, only mouths in its entire body. The painting sounded too loud for her own ears she could not hear a single thing the monster was screaming.

The anxious thoughts that preoccupied her magnified as soon as they landed in Seoul. She expected herself to be at the center of a scandal with many versions of the story contained in several photos of that one punch.

People would brand her as somebody who went out with Roseanne Park a few times and was dumped and played for reasons they saw in that photo. The supermodel's fans would call her a nobody with anger management issues.

Her reputation as an artist would dwindle and the people in her industry would turn their backs on her. Not because they stopped liking her art but because they would start to hate her. She choked at the thought for she was not ready to deal with something she never imagined possible, out of her love for art.

Bam would definitely scold her with his high-pitched tone whenever he owned every right to pick up the 'I told you so' card. Top would keep a controlled tone but pick words that could slice her pride.

The whole fiasco would have changed her life, only, it did not.

Not a single photo had been published. Roseanne directly talked to Wendy to handle it and when Lisa did not believe that, the supermodel simply said, "Money talks."

Tapping her shoulder while waiting for Bam to pick them up at the airport, Jisoo wore a firm look. "Edvard Punch, what happened in Paris stays there and ends there, okay?"

"Just make sure you don't slip up when we're with Bam."

"You know me when I have a new nickname for you. I'll keep using it and fucking come up with unintelligible explanations. But you," Jisoo arched an eyebrow, "when he asks how you got bruised and scarred in Paris, tell him Rosie does karate in her sleep."

The Carpathian Grey Range Rover pulled over and Bam rolled the window down. "Well, hello there, famous sister! You've officially made it to my list of women Roseanne Park unofficially dated."

a misty gashed apertureWhere stories live. Discover now