fight the daylight

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A/N: Yes, wanted to update before the busy weekend and after a stressful work week, and cos all the drama on twt this week needed cleansing. Btw, I usually update with a five-day interval (at least for this fic; still building a stronger overall plot structure for my other fic), or earlier, as long as it doesn't coincide with any of BLACKPINK's activities. And yes, still on Joji's Nectar album and the title came from Daylight (feat. Diplo). Free promo nobody asked for.



[04:03 AM, Paris]

In the backseat of the black Lexus LX 600, Roseanne collapsed in her seat, leaning on the window side with her eyes covered with her hand. Hyeri observed the model warily, unsure whether she should put her manager or friend role first. Seeing the blonde in that state never happened before. Roseanne rarely ever pleaded to be fetched quickly from her escapades. Never had she looked that emotionally distressed after spending the night with a woman.

Roseanne Park. Many saw her with this unbreakable icy air around her that stayed impenetrable by any scandals thrown her way. She was one of the rare ones who had easily adapted to fame and glam, hardly shaken by the price that came with them. Hyeri had seen through the emotionless façade. What many saw as fierce was not entirely fake for the supermodel grew cold out of resilience; it was almost second nature to her. But underneath that unafraid posture was the truth that she was not invulnerable to pain.

And warmth.

The kind of warmth that was capable of thawing the layers of cold she had built trying to protect herself. From what, Hyeri always knew. But until when, she could only guess.

"The fuck did I do, Hyeri?" Roseanne muttered, sounding very upset.

Hyeri crossed her legs and pressed her palms together. "Hmm, okay, this is new because usually, you don't ask me that when you do something fucked up."

Roseanne stayed in her position with her eyes closed shut as if hiding from the consequences of her actions. "Fuck, why the hell am I even bothered with this?"

"Maybe because you knew it was wrong. You were kind of with Lisa and—"

"We're not even together!" The supermodel bellowed.

The tone made Hyeri's jaw drop. She was more confused then—manage or mend? "You do know what you and Lisa have. Being together officially or not, what you did still results in the same thing. You—"

"Please." The supermodel remained immobilized, the soreness in her body reaching her head and drilling it hard.

"—hurt someone—"

"Did I want to hear that?!"

Hyeri bit her lower lip and recalibrated her mind before swerving to the manage part. "Okay, so then, we let the news fizzle out on its own and relax today. It's just another fun night in the fashion world, what would it do to the rest of the world, right?"

"Right." The model slowly sat up and removed her hand from her eyes. Leaning on the headrest, her half-opened eyes stared at the streetlights that appeared to be melting into the shape of stars. Were those how her punishment looked like? Become dust particles in space, she should.

a misty gashed apertureWhere stories live. Discover now