slash jay

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sapnap is tired, which is no surprise to him because he's been tired for what feels like months now, but that doesn't change the fact that he feels like he's being dragged through life.

in terms of the music project, he's at the point that would be expected of him... if he had a partner. he's done everything he was meant to do up to this point but, the problem was, he hasn't done all the things that george was supposed to.

despite this, and sapnap's need to succeed, he bargained with himself throughout the school day and decided that today, when he makes it home, he will do no work. he will just lie back, relax, watch tiktoks, maybe read, maybe put on a movie, and let himself have a much-needed day off.

of course, the likelihood of his parents overlooking this is unlikely, and they'll probably ruin his plans and make him work, but it was nice to idealise.

and even if he did have to do work when he gets home, he at least has some time to think and collect himself as he walks back, since sylvee left school early for an appointment and neither of them had the brains to think about how she was his ride.

they usually take turns driving each other to and from school, but sometimes they switch it up for one reason or another. recently, sylvee has been doing most of the driving, because as sapnap's average sleep per night goes from 8 hours to 4, he isn't sure if he trusts himself to be wholly safe behind the wheel.

sylvee isn't happy about this, obviously. the sleep, not the driving, she loves driving and would do it every day if sapnap didn't love it too, she just hates how her best friend is overworking himself.

all things considered, you can probably imagine the near-fury that burns through sapnap's being when he doesn't even get as far as the school parking lot before being stopped dead in his tracks by a dumbass british fuck.

"what do you want?" he asks, not trying to bite back his anger as he steps around george and continues walking. he isn't in the mood for this today, he needs to rest.

"you're such a moody prick," george laughs and sapnap doesn't even bat an eyelid. he keeps walking across the parking lot, ignoring the brit in favour of getting home quicker. "jesus dude, why are you running?" sapnap ignores him. "i was gonna ask if we could hang out to work on the project but clearly you're busy, my bad."

sapnap freezes, only moving when he steps to the side after realising he was standing in the middle of the parking lot. "you're kidding."

sapnap hates the hopeful feeling that settles in his chest, his exhausted self actually thinking george's empty words can be true. he tries to prepare himself for george's laughter, for the disappointment that's sure to eat at him.

it never comes.

"why would i be joking about that?" george asks, furrowing his brows, and sapnap thinks the question sounds sincere.

"because you said you wouldn't help," sapnap answers obviously, squinting at george likes he's some idiot child. "because every time i mentioned it to you, you would just be rude and sarcastic."

george scoffs. "dude, come on. that was obviously a joke."

sapnap stares.

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