the only important test results

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"i don't understand some of these questions," sapnap mumbles, grimacing at what he's reading. he nudges his arm against george's, the brit responding with a noncommittal hum as his eyes stay fixed on his own phone. "does this mean a literal cage?"

george glances over, skimming his eyes over the question before snorting amusedly. "yeah, sap, it means a literal cage."

the ravenette furrows his brows, focusing back on his phone and answering the question with the most disagreeing answer.

he subtly glances over, watching george answer a few questions of his own and taking particular note of which ones he answers red.

"torture?" sapnap reads out, nudging george's arm again, "does that mean like-"

"sap, it means whatever it says," george giggles, lightly shaking his head, "it's a bdsm test, some of the questions are going to sound extreme."

sapnap just nods, continuing with making his way through the test. he doesn't remember exactly how the topic arose, but both boys agreed that taking the test together would be funny and now... well, here they are. sapnap feels sort of crude, and more than a little judgemental, but he's trying his best to be open-minded. he doesn't exactly have experience with this sort of thing so, outside of watching porn and fantasising, he isn't sure what kind of things he even likes.

he's resigned himself to making educated guesses with the use of his imagination, paired with his original response to the question. for example, when he giggled audibly at the idea of giving up everything he has to become a sex slave- that was a red. the idea of 'serving someone' in some kind of way, sounds appealing, but the word slave immediately made him uncomfortable.

"okay i'm done," george announces, scoffing to himself as his eyes skim his results. instead of responding, sapnap simply tries to get through the test quicker.

when he gets to the last page, with only two remaining questions, he becomes aware of the fact that george was watching him answer when the brunette says, "put red for these two, it's like promotion stuff."

sapnap nods and does as told, blushing slightly at the thought of george knowing how he'd answered the last few questions.

as his results pop up, he quickly turns the phone away from george, grinning when the other boy groans. "tell me yours first," he says, completely forgetting to even look at his own.

george rolls his eyes, also angling his phone so the other couldn't see, and hums as he looks over his results. "i'll tell you my bottom ones," he says, and sapnap nods to prompt him. "i got zero per cent on age play, boy/girl, brat, prey, and rope bunny. i got one per cent slave so that's basically a no too."

sapnap looks down at his own results for the first time, reading out, "i got zero on age play and boy/girl- what's the difference?"

george shrugs, "i think age play is just less specific. boy/girl is where you like pretending to be a kid." sapnap nods understandingly. "what else?"

sapnap looks back at his results. "they were my only zeros."

"what?" george giggles, "no way."

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