you get this kind of rush

115 8 70

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sapnap had agreed to go to skeppy's party, he discovered too late.

it's not that he didn't want to go, because parties sound fun, sure, it was just that he had never been to one and had no idea how to dress or talk or act. he didn't have much time to work it out either, because it felt like he only blinked twice between standing with george's friends and being crowded in an unfamiliar kitchen with a drink in hand and his best friend by his side.

(maybe it had been weeks since he was invited, but time moves kinda quickly when you're ̶d̶r̶e̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶  looking forward to* something.)

"yeah, i was invited by a friend of a friend," dream answers. "you know sam?" sapnap nods, "he's close with my friend punz."

"oh, nice," sapnap nods, having no clue who 'punz' is. sylvee nods too, but sapnap reckons she has even less of a clue than he does. he thinks this is the longest conversation he's ever had with dream outside of class, and they've only been speaking for a few minutes.

their conversation is paused when dream turns around in response to a delicate hand finding his upper arm, and sapnap glances over to see karl, the boy who dream had been partnered with for the music project.

"you alright?" the blond asks, holding the brunette's eye contact so intensely that sapnap feels like he's intruding on a moment. he looks over at sylvee, and the blond smiles back at him, looking so natural in the party setting with loud music and colourful lights. it's weird seeing her like this because they've never been to a party together- or anything similar to a party, for that matter.

"yeah, just letting you know that i'm going to head outside to go find tina," karl replies, his hand squeezing gently around dream's upper arm.

"tina?" sylvee repeats, gathering all three males' attention. "can i come with?"

"yeah, course," karl smiles.

who the fuck is tina?!

sylvee looks at sapnap next, as if asking him for permission, and he obviously nods. she grins, stepping away with karl, and sapnap hears her introducing herself as they walk away.

she seems strangely extroverted, an absolute natural at talking and making friends and just being generally outgoing. sapnap wonders if she's been holding herself back from being sociable all this time just to keep him company since he's more naturally closed off.

"i didn't know you still spoke to karl," sapnap speaks conversationally.

"yeah, we got really close while doing the music project," dream smiles fondly, and sapnap wishes he could say the same for him and george. "we're actually uh-" he blushes, "we're going on our first date tomorrow."

sapnap's eyes widen, and he doesn't know what he should be surprised about- dream being gay, dream getting a date, or dream and karl being a thing. "oh wow, congrats man," he says, seeing how dream's shoulders relax- he was probably worried that sapnap was homophobic, which is a fair assumption at their school. "where are you guys going?"

"just like a picnic and a walk, but i'm really excited," dream answers, and sapnap can feel the hyper buzz radiating from his friend.

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