no control

112 6 55

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the brunette looks back over his shoulder and sapnap offers him a smile when they make eye contact, catching up with the british boy as he crosses the parking lot. "you okay?" george asks, turning back to face the other boy with a single cigarette, his car keys, and his lighter in hand.

"yeah," sapnap nods, a little breathless from running. he looks down at his watch, checking the time and seeing they're already a minute late - screw george for being so hard to find. "please come to music," he practically begs.

george's face scrunches and sapnap already feels like he's lost the battle.

he tries anyway, "we only have one more lesson to do it after this one and we have to finish your part. i have like one more question left and then we can work together to do whatever you haven't yet and check it all."

george squints, as if he's genuinely considering it, but then says, "maybe you should skip."

sapnap feels his eyes widen, lips parting slightly. that is literally the opposite of what he was suggesting. "i can't, we have to finish the project!"

george shrugs, "you need a break."

he turns, continuing to walk towards his car as he moves his cigarette between his lips, and sapnap follows after him, hoping there's still some kind of chance that he could convince the brit. "i don't need a break," he scoffs.

george looks back at him as he rounds the car to approach the driver's-side door, lighting the end of his cigarette and raising a knowing eyebrow at the ravenette.

fine, maybe he needs a break. "shut up, i can have a break when we get it done."

"i promise we'll get it all finished in time," george smiles, pulling open his car door and throwing his lighter into the centre console from standing. "you wanna come on a ride?"

"wh- george!" sapnap scolds as the brit climbs into the car. he opens the passenger's side door, just so george could still hear him talk as he bends down and says, "i can't just skip!"

"why not?" george shrugs, twisting his key into the ignition before rolling down his window so he could exhale a long breath of grey smoke out of the car. "have you never skipped before?"

sapnap doesn't answer, because he thinks the truth is too embarrassing.

george's lips quirk up into something close to a smirk. "get in the car, sap. you need to live a little."

it's the nickname that pulls the ravenette down into the passenger's seat, his bag dropped to the floor and the door pulled shut behind him before he repeats, "sap?"

george smiles as he shrugs, exhaling out the car window again. "it just came to me."

if sapnap is smiling when george begins to pull out of the parking lot, then it's because of the adrenaline pumping through him, nothing else.

"where are we going?" sapnap asks as they pull out onto the main road, feeling his heart thump with excitement as they drive further and further away from the school- his parents are going to kill him.

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