how can he refuse?

116 8 60

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"it's not wrong," mr cooper corrects, but his words do nothing to make sapnap feel less like jumping off of a bridge. "you just need to go over and fix the written parts."

sapnap wants to scowl. he wants to point out that 'the written parts' are most of the fucking project, but he holds back. he supposes he should just be grateful that their teacher decided to point it out ahead of time, rather than the horror that would've been letting sapnap fail.

plus, how hard can it be to go through pages upon pages of work and change the tense and person? sapnap thinks it shouldn't be too hard. he can use word replacement in word to make all the 'i's into 'they's and he can make 'am going to' to 'did'. it shouldn't take ages.

he wonders if george has done the same with his half.

he groans internally. this would all be so much easier if george just showed up to their fucking lessons like everyone else did.

"alright, thank you."

"no worries," mr cooper replies with a nod, tapping his work. "you need to head off now, you're going to miss lunch."

it's an exaggeration, because the bell only went to dismiss their class a minute ago, and sapnap only stayed behind to ask about some task he didn't understand.

he nods anyway, packing away quickly and getting up to go.

once he's out in the hallway, he stalls. sylvee isn't in today, bed bound with period cramps (sapnap would surely be heading over tonight to take her chocolate and give her cuddles). the next closest friend he has is dream, but karl was working alone in music.

sapnap decides he might as well check, because he really does not want to spend lunch on his own. he pulls his phone out, navigating his way to snapchat and opening his chats with the blond.


| you alright?
| i didn't see u in music

dream :)
| not in today
| sick :(

| oh no :( what with?

dream :)
| just like vommiting
| nothing serious

| ah well get well soon man

he pockets his phone before dream even responds, sighing to himself.

he could sit by himself, hide in the toilets, or just walk around. the ravenette curses himself for walking in today because the option to sit in his car would be great right about now.

he starts to walk aimlessly, taking his phone out again to act busy. back on snapchat, he sees george's chats and debates messaging the brit about the mistake he'd been making to see if george was doing the same but then, in a moment of genius, he turns back to head out the front of the school.

sapnap makes his way towards where george and his friends hang out, realising he could just ask the brunette in person to keep himself busy and look less lonely for at least a couple of minutes.

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