Chapter 10: Far Out

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I looked up at my friend, as it was that he had said that. As it was that he had a  big smile on his face, as well. As it was that it seemed like he was acting like he had achieved some thing big on what he had done.
Even though it was clear to me that all he done. Was pass us while we were laying on the ground. Which I suppose was my own fault for doing as such a thing like that.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to lift my self up. As it was that Sharise had in fact got her self off of me just before that. And I then began to go and speak out loud to my friend, all at the exact same time too.
"Well... Yeah... You're going to beat us if we aren't trying!" I did in fact just seem to yell to him. As it was that I did in fact roll my eyes at him. Just as soon as it was that I had in fact said just what it was that I had said.
As it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I just seemed to start to go right on ahead. And I then saw him slow him self down just before it was that he got to the top.
As it was that he looked back at me with a serious look on his face. At least as far as I could tell from that far away. And he then did in fact go right on ahead and just speak right back on over to me, all at once.
"Yeah... Well that's your own damn fault for being stupid and letting me pass you! So I win!" He did in fact just seem to yell. As it was that he then seemed to step foot on the cliff just as it was that he had said that.
I kind of just seemed to let out a rough sigh to my self, all at once. As it was that I felt like he had a fair point on what he had said. As it was that I just seemed to shake my head a little bit to my self all of the sudden.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I just seemed to hear the voice of Sharise. As it was that she then began to step up and speak from right beside me.
"Come on Harris... Let's just go and join him up there..." She did in fact just seem to say to me. As she had her eyes wide, as she had a serious look her self, just as she had said that.
I kind of just seemed to blink my eyes a few times, all at once. As it was that I did in fact also seem to stare in to her eyes for some time. Before it was that I then did in fact begin to go right on ahead and speak back on over to her, all at once.
"Fine... What ever I guess..." I did in fact just seem to say to her. As it was that just as soon as it was that I had in fact said as to just what it was that I had even said to her.
That was when it was that she then did in fact nod back to me. As it was that she also then began to turn her head away from me as well. As she just then did in fact go right on ahead and start to jog up the hill.
As soon as it was that I had in fact realized it had been the case. I then did in fact just seem to nod a bit to my self, all at once. As I saw her look back at me one more time, and speak back to me as she did as such a thing.
"Alright... Well are you coming with me or not then?" She did in fact just seem to say to me. As she did in fact have her head tilted at me. Just as soon as it was that she had in fact said as to just what she had said to me.
As it was that I had in fact realized that it had been the case. That was when it was that I just then seemed to let out a bit of a rough sigh to my self. And I then did in fact just seem to jog up with her, never the less.
I knew that I was not going to be left behind by my friends. As the thought of it seemed to make me shiver for what ever reason. As I then did in fact just seem to go right on ahead and speak to my self at the thought of that.
"Come on... Let's go..." I did in fact just seem to say to my self. Almost as if it was that I was trying to convince some one else on just what it was that I had even just said.
I was not at all too sure as to just what it was that I was in fact thinking for a bit of some time. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to get my mind off of all of that. As it was that I then made it to the top of the cliff with the both of my friends.
Just as it was that I had in fact made it to the top with them. I heard the voice of Alex, as he then began to speak up him self. As I just then listened as to what ever it was that he even had to say right now.
"Oh wow... It is such a beautiful world out there... How did we even get here in the first place any ways?" He did in fact just seem to say. As it was clear that he had his eyes on what it was that was in fact below him.
I kind of was a bit confused as to just what it was that he had said. As I knew that he was not normally one to care for mother nature. As it was that I did in fact just seem to blink my eyes a few times, all of the sudden.
It seemed like based off of the look on his face just now. That he did in fact just seem to care a fair bit just now, never the less. As it was that I did my best to just try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could.
I still could feel my heart pumping, all at once. As it was clear that I was still trying to regain my breathe. As I then did in fact just seem to struggle with my words, as it was that I then spoke back to Alexander.
"When have to ever been like this? What is going on with you?" I did in fact just seem to say to him. As it was that I did in fact just seem to tilt my head a bit on over to my friend.
As it was that I was quite a bit lost as to just what had gotten in to him. And as to just why he had a sudden change of heart. As it was that he had been acting quite a bit strange through out this entire day.
As it was that I just seemed to stare at my friend for some time. He then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead all of the sudden. And he then turned his head right back on over to me all of the sudden.
He had his eyes wide still, as he seemed to stare at me. As it was that it seemed like he was at a loss for words. Until it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak right back on over to me all of the sudden.
"Well... Maybe it's because we have lost so much already... Maybe I am trying to see some good in life... Can you really fault me for that?" He did in fact just seem to say to me.
As it was that he then seemed to squint his eyes at me. Just as soon as it was that he had in fact said as to just what it was that he had said to me. As it was that I was quite a bit surprised by just what he had said.
My eyes just seemed to be wide my self all of the sudden. As it was that I felt like I was a bit lost on what I should say my self. As I then just seemed to go and speak back to him either way, never the less.
"Well... I suppose you have a fair point... It's just weird... That's all..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was all that it was that I felt like I could really say back to him in response.
As it was that I felt like all of us had been through a lot so far. And it was that I didn't want to say any thing that word hurt any one. Or any thing that would make any one angry, none the less, at that.
I just seemed to dip my head a little bit low to the ground. As it was that it did in fact seem like those thoughts had come in to my head. As I then did in fact begin to start to hear the voice of Sharise all of the sudden, as she then began to speak.
"Maybe you need to see it for your self Harris... Alex is right... It is quite beautiful... Stop talking and just look..." She did in fact just seem to say. As she had a very serious look on her face just as she had said that.
My eyes just seemed to grow quite a bit wide once again. As it was that I was not all too sure as to just what I should say in response to that. As it was that I kind of felt a bit uncomfortable with it all, never the less.
I was about to once again dip my head a bit low to the ground. When it was that I then did in fact just seem to see that it was. That Sharise then did in fact just seem to nod below the cliff that was in front of us.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have seen her do that. I also then did in fact just seem to hear the voice of Alex speak up. As I then began to listen as to just what ever it was that he had to say, at that.
"Come on Harris... Live a little bit... With what ever time we have left..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I just seemed to shiver as to just what it was that he had said.
As I felt sick, and I also did in fact just seem to feel scared. As it was that I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could. As it was that I did in fact just seem to get my mind and my focus off of all of that all of the sudden.
As it was that I then did in fact just seem to get my eyes on to the fact. That I was now walking to the face of the cliff, all at once. As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare below us, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to see it all for my self. As I let out a gasp, as I then also began to go right on ahead and speak up my self, all at the exact same time as well.
"Wow... You weren't wrong... It truly is amazing..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As I saw all of the different colors of all of the leaves that were below me.
It was quite a sight to see, all at the exact same time as well. As it was like nothing that I had ever seen before, all at once. As I just then did in fact just seem to hear the voice of Sharise go right on ahead and speak up, all at the exact same time too.
I couldn't get my eyes off of just what it was that I was seeing. As it was that I was in fact in such shock as to the beauty that it was. That it almost did in fact seem to be pulling me in to all of it, none the less.
I just seemed to try my best to keep my self as calm as I could. As it was that I just then began to hear the voice of Alex, all at once. As it was that he just then did in fact begin to go and speak up, all of the sudden.
"Um... Guys... Is that the car?" He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I was in such a daze as to just what it was that I was seeing. That it seemed to blow right past me as to just what it was that he had said.
As I felt like even if it was that I had in fact under stood it. It still felt like it would not have made all too much sense to me. As I simply seemed to just continue to stare at all of the leaves flying away in the breeze.
How ever, the voice of Sharise seemed to be the one to wake me up. As she then seemed to speak to me from the other side all of the sudden. As I then did in fact begin to listen as to just what it was that she had to say.
"I... I think that is!" She did in fact just seem to say. As it was that she did in fact just seem to be very excited. As it was that it seemed like that was the reason that I seemed to wake up, none the less.
As it seemed to make my heart pound to hear her excited. As a smile then did in fact just seem to pop up on my face all of the sudden. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to get my eyes off of what was below the cliff.
Just as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I then got my eyes on to Sharise, all of the sudden. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to go and speak to her, as well.
"Are you both okay? What are you guys on about?" I did in fact just seem to say, all of the sudden. As it was that I did in fact just seem to tilt my head on over to the both of them.
Just as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I saw them both have their eyes grow wide. As it was that Sharise did in fact just seem to blink her eyes a few times her self, as I had seen.
I still was lost, as I was not at all too sure what was going on. As I then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead. And I then began to hear the voice of my best friend Alex, as he then began to speak up.
"Come on man... You're smarter than us both... But you're acting stupid right now... What car do you think we are talking about?" He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at once.
As it was that he did in fact just seem to have his eyes squinted. Just as soon as it was that he had in fact said what he had said to me. As it was that I was still lost as to just what it was that he had even meant by car.
I just seemed to continue to stare at him with my own eyes wide. Until it was that I then decided to go right on ahead and speak back to him. As he listened as to just what ever it was that I had to say to him just now.
"Um... I'm confused what you are even on about in general..." I did in fact just seem to say to him. As though my eyes were in fact wide, at that. I did in fact still have a serious look on my face just as I had said that.
As it was that I had in fact said as to just what it was that I had said. That was when it was that Alexander realized that I was being for real. As it was that he just then did in fact roll his eyes at me all of the sudden.
I still was lost as to all that was in fact even going on. As it was that he seemed to turn his head away from me all of the sudden. As it was that he then did in fact just seem to go and speak to me all at the exact same time too.
"Come on man... Open your eyes... It's Zach's car... I think we might be able to get out of here..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he seemed to have some genuine sort of hope just as he had said that.
I kind of began to get a little bit excited my self all of the sudden. As it was that I just then began to get my eyes on over to where it was. That I could in fact clearly see Alexander pointing his finger on over to.
As not all too far away from us, from where it stood. I could very clearly see the familiar car that it was that always hopped in to. When ever it was that we did in fact go on a journey such as the one that we were on now.
How ever, much to what it was that I had felt like I should feel. I for what ever reason or another seemed to feel dark, and almost scared. As I all of the sudden began to go and speak back to Alex, all at once.
"What are we going to tell them? We have blood and guilt all on our hands and our faces... They'll know it was us..." I did in fact just seem to say to my best friend. As it was that I was in fact scared, all at once.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could. As it was that I did in fact have a very serious look on my face my self this time. As it was that Alex seemed to be shocked by what it was that I had said.
He then did in fact just seem to go and shake his head back at me. As he also then seemed to be confused as he then spoke back to me. As it was that I did in fact listen as to just what ever it was that he had to say to me just now.
"What the hell are you on about Harris? We did nothing... We will be fine... When they ask, we just need to tell them the truth... I guess they'll decide from there... They can go and see for them selves if they don't believe us for all I care..." He did in fact just seem to say to me.
As it was that he had his eyes squinted at me still. Just as soon as it was that he had in fact said as to just what it was that he had said to me. As I felt like I should find what he said reassuring for me, all at once.
But that just did not seem to be the case for me what so ever. As it was that I still felt like I could not help but to feel a bit scared. As it was that what it was that Marion had told me about me going to hell, and all of that other stuff that she had said earlier.
It was now really starting to wear down on my mind, none the less. As I just then did in fact go right on ahead and speak back to Alex. As it was that I had quite a guilty look on my face just as I had done so.
"Yeah... Except... I did kill Zachary..." I did in fact just seem to say to him, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I then saw him wince just as it was that I had in fact said that.
It seemed like it was now silent in the air, all of the sudden. Just as soon as it was that I had in fact said as to just what I had said. As it was clear that Alex did in fact not seem to be all too sure as to just what it was that he should say back to me.
I could not blame him for that being the case what so ever. As I just seemed to continue to stare at him with my eyes wide for some time. Until I just then began to hear the voice of Sharise go and speak up her self.
"We know you didn't mean to kill Zachary... You pushed him away from Alex... He looked like he was about to kill Alex... Calm down Harris..." She did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time too.
She seemed to be for real with just what it was that she had said. But I was not all too sure in side my head if any of that was in fact true. As I just then did in fact just seem to go right on ahead and speak up my self.
"Yeah... It will all be fine... I didn't mean to do it..." I did in fact just seem to say out loud, none the less. Almost as if I was trying to convince my self. That what it was that she had said about me was in fact true.
I was not all too sure as to just whether or not it was the case how ever. As it was that I just seemed to stare out in to the beautiful trees that were in front of me. As though it was peaceful, I found no peace in side of me at all right now, at that.
As it was that I just seemed to stare in to my own dark abyss. As it seemed to be that way for quite some time, none the less. Until I then began to start to hear the voice of Alexander go and speak up him self.
"Come on... I think we should go ahead and hurry... We don't have much time... Maybe a couple of hours of day light... And that is pretty far out..."

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