Chapter 3

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Kiyoko's pov

' I wonder how Genichirou is doing?,' I thought and heard the entrance of the uzumaki cafe open.

I gasped at the person, i see.

Fukuchi Genichirou?!

" Kiyoko-chan, close your mouth before a fly gets inside," The man caress his iconic moustache.

" Genichirou," I was close to sobbing. I stood from my seat and hug him tightly. Hooking my arms around his neck.

" It has been too long," I mutter.

" You miss me that much?, Kiyoko-chan?~" He flirted. I giggled and slap his chest lightly.

" Goodness, You and your shameless flirting," I sat back at my seat.

After the witress gave him his order, We then discussed how everything has change and some hasn't.

" Yukichi?, How is he?," He asked.

" He establish an agency, didn't you know that?," I asked.

The man scoffs at the shamefull memory. " I even piss on their entrance doormat." He said bluntly.

I gasped. ' How shamefull of this man!,'

" Genichirou?!, You dare do that infront of Yukichi!, how disgusting," I exclaimed.

" Well, the kid didn't like me that much," He said.

" Ranpo-kun?, He's a sweet child," I said. Remembering meeting him for the first time.

" Sweet kid my ass, He basically kick me out of the agency during the opening of the agency," He said.

" How about you?, What's new in your life?," Genichirou turned his attention to me.

" Well, Mori Ougai tried to court me, but I had to turn him down, it didn't work out," I said sadly.

From this distance. I could feel his raging aura.

" Did he assault?," He asked.

" No, i just had to turn him down, it wasn't the time," I said. Glancing down to my feet.

Third person's pov

" Kiyoko-chan, He could take advantage of you," Genichirou said.

" Genichirou, Stop being an overprotective man, You are not my father nor my brother, please I am a grown woman," She said.

He sighed and grasp her small hand.

" But I do, Because I feel something for you more than friendship," He said.

Kiyoko gasped and glance at him back.

' What?,'

" You what?," She asked.

" I-I like you since we were kids, when we were teenagers, that's why I keep on flirting on you," He said.

" But what about kin-chan?," She asked. Worried about his response.

He scoffs.

' Is this a joke?,' she thought.

" You thought I liked her?, God, Kiyoko-chan, You're finny," He said. Leaning close to the woman's face.

' God, He's so close to me, It's been years since I've been this close to him,' she  thought.

" Because my heart is yours, Kiyoko-chan," He peck her forehead, making the woman's face red.

" If you don't return your feelings to me, It's fine," He lean into her glossy lips.

" At least you know mine," He close the gap between them.

" Kiyoko-chan!, i'll be going back to the headquarters!, You can visit me anytime!," He said, sending a wink towards me.

Leaving the woman alone on her seat.

Making her cheeks super bright red.

' What just happened?!,' She thought.

" My, a man you have, miss," the waitress said. Sending the woman a gentle smile.

" Thank you, He was my childhood friend," I said. Picking up my parasol, ready to leave the cafe to take another stroll again.

My sweet flower{ Fukuzawa x Character x Fukuchi}♡Fanfic♡Where stories live. Discover now