Chapter 7

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Third person's pov

The sound of birds chirping could be heard from the window.

A woman, cooking in the kitchen. Tasting on the miso soup sample.

" Hello dear~" She gasped and felt strong arms around her waist. Fukuchi leaned his chin on her shoulder.

" Smells good, Hon," He said. His moustache tickling her neck.

" It'll be ready in a minute, Genichirou," She said. Checking on the fish.

" You know, it's been a while since I had homemade meals, it would be nice if you stay here a little longer," He said.

" I mean, I wouldn't mind though," Kiyoko said.

" Great!, How about you get changed from this yukata and get dressed, I'm taking you to the military headquarters!," He exclaimed.

" W-What?," She stuttered.

" You know, introduce you to my sweet subordinates," He smirked.

" Oh, alright," She nodded and went to the guess room.

" Oh, alright," She nodded and went to the guess room

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Kiyoko colored her lips with red tint. She slip on her white socks.

" Genichirou, I'm ready!," She walked to the main room and see no one.

' Where did he go?,' She thought.

She sighed and check everyroom in  the small house.

One room she hasn't check is the master bedroom.

" Genichirou!, Are you in here?," She asked.

" Kiyoko-chan!, Wait-," The man treid to warn the woman.

She slide open the door and see the half naked man.





" Kiyok-"

" Genichirou!, Put a shirt on!," She exclaimed. Covering her red face.

Ready to exit the room. When the man trapped her hand.

" since you're here, do you mind helping me with my back?," He asked. Close enough to her neck.

" You're back?," she asked.

Fukuchi revealed his scar on his back and on his chest.

' Did this happen during the war?,' She thought. Running her smooth hand on his chest.

" Do you mind healing them?, they kinda bother me when I sleep," He said.

" Um, It won't be fully healed like make them go away. But i suppose, I could make bearable for you in order for you to have a goodnight sleep," She said.

" Lay on the bed," She ordered. He nodded and lay stomach on the futon.

" Ability: Flower rains," White petals flew around the woman's form.

" ahh, it's been a while since I seen you use your ability, Kiyoko-chan," Fukuchi said. Glancing at her.

" I haven't used it in a while too," She said.

Finishing the process, making the man groan in pleasure.

" Thanks again, Kiyoko-chan, Now I could sleep without any troubles," He said and slipped on his military shirt unifrom.

Helping him buttoning the buttons. And the cape.

" There, Now didn't you say you would introduce me to you dear subordinates?," She asked.

" Yeah, Com'on," He held her much smaller hands and help her slip on her sandals.

' Such a prince charming,' She blushed.

" CAPTAIN?!" Teruko exclaimed. She glance to the woman next to her captain.

" Yo Teruko-kun, Is everyone here?," The man asked.

" Captain, i didn't know you were married?," The young man with white hair and red strips at the button asked.

" Oh this is actually my girlfriend, she's my childhood friends when we were kids," Fukuchi said.

The members glance to the woman.

" Um-Hello," Kiyoko said shyly.

" Oh come now dear, There's no need to be shy~" He smirked at her red cheeks.

" Genichirou!, Please and why did you say we were in a relationship?, Were not even official yet!," She exclaimed.

" Well, How about let's make it official when we get back home~" He smirked. Wingling his thick eyebrows.

" God damn you, Genichirou," She mutter.

" What was that, my dear?," He asked smugly.

" I said nothing, Genichirou!," She yelled at the smug man.

The rest of the team were in shock.

' Are these two for real?, They're like a married couple,' They thought.

My sweet flower{ Fukuzawa x Character x Fukuchi}♡Fanfic♡Where stories live. Discover now