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Mira Cooper: Hi ya I'm Mira I'm 17 and I have long fire like red hair and bright blue eyes with hints of green and yellow, and I have some special abilities. I live in a small town just outside of Seattle called Brightwood with my dad Bryan Cooper and my step mom Arial Mackenzie-Cooper, or as I like to call her Cruella. SHE IS A VILE EVIL LITTLE BITCH AND I'D LIKE, NO LOVE TO BASH HER FUCKING FACE IN WITH DAD'S OLD BAT. My mom died when I was 5. They told me that it was raining when me and her were on or way home from the store and she swerved off the road, but I know that's bull-shit. It was a sunny day and we were heading to my school for my picture day retake and I started throwing a tantrum about my outfit and my telekinesis just happen to kick in and I knocked the car off the road. I didn't tell anyone that because I was scared and upset about my mother. I stopped talking for a year after that. Anyway lets move on, I'm a straight A student, but I'm not a nerd, I'm artistic I love to paint, draw, take photos, anything you name it my dad says I get it from my mom. I have a hand full of friends and I'm pretty much a bad ass. I'm in detention more then you could think and I love to pull pranks especially when I use my special abilities for them. Oh I almost for got you have no idea what my special abilities are, well I can turn invisible I can control the elements, I can create storms, um lets see I also have telekinesis, I can levitate, I have really good memory and I have this other special talent but I have know idea what it is but when ever I try to use it these pretty gold patterns form on my body. That's pretty much it I- oh wait I almost for got the locate that my dad Gave my mom when I was born, I turned it into a controlling devise so as long as I ware it I can control my abilities. That's everything about me pretty much, ok bye.

Harry styles: Hey m'Harry I'm the youngest of the five sons of this family and I have jade green eyes and long brown curly hair. I'm not telling you where I'm from other wise I'd have to kill you. Like my brothers and miss Mira Cooper I'm different. I have these special abilities, but unlike Mira my brothers and I know how to control them and we know exactly where these special talents come from. I have telekinesis I can read minds, I can control fire and I have a rare special talent. Me and my brothers moved here for one purpose and one purpose only......Her.

Louis Tomlinson: Hi m'Louis I'm the oldest and I have ocean blue eyes and brown feathery hair. I can't tell you where I'm from, well i can but then I'd have to kill you. As you probably know by now I have special abilities too and yes I can control them. I can teleport, I have the ability to see the future and I can control water.

Zayn Malik: Hi m'Zayn I'm the second oldest of five I have jet black hair and golden brown eyes. I have special abilitis as well as the others. I can shape-shift, I can inflict pain on people with the flick of the wrist and I can control the air you breath. I would tell you where we're from but,well you know I'd have to kill you.

Liam Payne: Hey m'Liam I'm the third oldest in this family I have short brown hair and Chocolate brown eyes. I to have special abilities, I can heal, I can see ghost and I can control the whether. We are all from C- "LIAM DON'T TELL THEM ARE YOU INSANE" Sorry Ni I forgot, "idiot" I heard that haz.

Niall Horan: Oi I'm Niall the smartest brother and the second youngest I have died Blond hair with brunette roots and crystal blue eyes. Yes I speak different from the boys because I have Irish roots they have british roots. Yes I'm special like the others to. I'm a human tracking device, I can levitate, and I can control the earth. That's It don't even bother trying to get me to tell you where we're from unlike Liam I'm not that stupid," Ha Ha very funny" You brought that on yourself Li.

Bryan Cooper: Hello I'm Mira's father I have dark brown short hair with grey sides and I have hazel eyes. I'm a doctor with a PHD in medicine. I work at the town medical center. I'm remarried to Mire's step-mother Arial Mackenzie-Cooper, she is a teacher at Mira's high school. Mira's mothe rdied a long time ago in a car crash. Like Mira she had bright blue eyes and fire like red hair but Melissa had gold highlights in hers. She was an absolute beauty, to this day I still have no Idea how she ever loved a man like me.

Arial Mackenzie-Cooper: Hi I'm Arial the brats step mom. I teach at it's high school Brightwood high. I'm married to the idoit known as her father. They think they know me but they don't, they're in for a rude awakening.

Soon I will get my revenge.

Alex Westly: Hi there I'm Alex I've been Mira's best friend since pre K. I have green and blue died hair and Icy blue eyes. I'm the nerd in our little group. I have straight A never been in detention a day in my life and I am always on time to school. I love to read and I'm single because all the guys in this town are pains in the ass and there are no girls here that are my type so yeah. I love Mira like a little sis and if she was hurt I would be there in an instant to help her.(A/N Alex Westly is actually my best friend but she is completely different from this character the real Alex Westly is a bad ass)

Carter Knight: Hey I'm Carter I have been friends with Mira since 1st grade. I have Blonde hair with orange highlights and Brown eyes. I love to sing and write my own songs, I have ok grades and I am Co Capt. of the Cheer squad. I am dating Brent Myers he is in charge of the drama club. I love Mira like a sister and if anything happened to her I'd die.(A/n all true)

Mindy Warner: Hi I'm Mindy Have known the girls since 4ever and I can't think of life with out them. I have dark brown hair with pink highlights. I love to dance, I have good grades and I'm dating the Capt. of the football team(soccer). I have a little brother named Jonah and twin little sisters Jessie and Jackie ages 12(Jonah) and 10(twins). Mira's like my big sister she is always there for me and I love her for that.

Sid Faith: Hello there I'm Sid no not like the sloth. I have known Mira since 2nd grade and I have Violet died hair. I love to write my own stories and act in school plays. I love Mira but I'm not gonna lie sometimes she can be a little bit to much to handle. I'm single I know sad but true, I just dumped my dumb ass ex Devon two days ago thanks to Mira and I could not be happier. She is my life savor seriously.

Ok so here is the cast Tell me what you guys think. I don't know who should play Bryan so if you have an ideas let me know.(A/N The photo is me I'm ugly so you can't see my face)

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