Chapter 2: Dinner part 1

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" So I might have to go in ear-" My father stopped mid sentence to answer his phone. "Hello, this is Bryan cooper" My father voiced as he spoke into the phone.

"Hello, Heelllooo, is anybody there?" My dad asked the person on the other line.

" Well I guess it was a wrong num-" before my dad could finish his sentence the house phone started to ring.

"I'll get it." I said as I stood, but as soon as I was about to reach for the phone my cell went off, then Cruella's cell and my dad's as well.

"what the hell." I said as we all reached for our phones. As soon as I pulled my cell out of my jacket pocket it, along with all the other phones, started to ring louder almost to a point where they were screeching.

"Bryan what's happening!" Cruella yelled as we all covered our ears.

" What!" My dad tried yelling over the ear piercing sound.

Before Cruella could respond something unexpected happened. All the phones exploded, just poof out of no where.

" OW WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed as I chucked whats left of my phone at the ground." What the fuck just happened." I asked looking around the room at our phones and house phone destroyed.

"Hey watch your language young lady." My father scolded me as he picked the phones up and through them in a bag, and Cruella went back to finishing the pizza sauce. " I don't know," my father started," But it looks like your getting that new phone you wanted." My dad said as he held up half of my now useless cellular device.

" OMG Really." I asked super excited to finally get a new phone, while Cruella rolled her eyes at me.

"yes Really Mira, might as well seeing as we have to get new ones anyway." My father said as he smiled at me. "thank you, thank you ,thank you." I said while squeezing the life out of my father.

'You're welcome Baby' I heard someone whisper in my head.

That voice I've heard it before but where. I let go of my father and took a step back. He looked at me puzzled and was about to ask if I was ok before,

"Bryan the sauce is done." Cruella called over her shoulder. Saved by Cruella.

"Alright," my father said before he stood and grabbed some ingredients, and turned back to me. "What do you want on your pizza sweet pea." my father asked.

"You know what guys I'm gonna pass on dinner tonight. I'm just to tired." I said while adding a fake yawn in there.

"Suit yourself" cruella said while starting on her pizza.

"Are you sure Mira?" My father asked me. I replied with a simple nod and bid my father a goodnight.

'Goodnight baby girl' the voice said again as I made my way up stairs to my bed room. I froze when the realization hit me with a flash back no more then three hours ago in the forest. That voice is the same voice I heard in the woods, the one who protected me from the shards. I continued my quest upstairs to my bed room. Once inside I took a quick shower, put on my Kiss t-shirt and Tweety bird pajama shorts, and got in my comfy Queen size bed. I couldn't quiet wrap my head around this. Who was this guy? How could he save me? Does that mean he is special like me? Are there others out there? Can he control his abilities, maybe he could teach me.

I spent most of the night tossing and turning with no success of sleep until 1:30. When I did finally fall a sleep I wish I hadn't.


Black Magic || H.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora