Chapter 8: The Talk and The Box

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"Mira is that you sweetheart?" My father asked wondering into the living room in time to see me enter with Harry's hand in mine.

"Hi" I mumble from my spot next to Harry.

Harry squeezes my hand and my father takes his eyes off me to acknowledge his presence.

"Hello Harry, how are you?" My father briefly turns his attention to him and then returns to me when Harry replies with a polite 'I'm good thank you.'

"Can we talk?" I asked my father after a good 10 minutes of silence.

"Of course." He answered.

"Babe I'm gonna go wait up stairs, OK?" Harry stepped in front of me with his back to my dad and his hand still in mine.

I nodded my head and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before taking our things to my room.

I walked into the living room, with my dad not far behind, and took a seat on the couch.

He sat on the love seat opposite of me and looked up expecting me to start.

I sighed before finally starting the conversation I've was trying to avoid. 'Damn you Harry'
'Your welcome babe'.

"I wanna know why?" I said rubbing my hand over my face before looking at him.

"Why what Mira?"

"Look we're both smart here so lets not play dumb OK?" He nodded and sighed.

"I'm so sorry Mira. I didn't tell you about your mother because I was scared of the result." I tilted my head to the side with my left eyebrow raised, silently asking him to explain.

"When I told you about the car crash you stopped talking for a year. Imagine if I told you she was murdered." My father shook his head as if trying to lose the thought.

"I get it." I whispered after a long period of silence.

"You were going to tell me but I scared you out of it." I spoke looking at my father finally seeing why he thought it best to keep this from me.

"But, that still doesn't give you the right to keep it from me. You could of told me dad and explained yourself for lying once I was old enough to understand."

"I know sweetheart I'm so sorry."

I stood and walked over to my dad and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

Maybe there wasn't we never know.

"Sooo," My father started. Oh no,"you and Harry are together?"
He was trying so hard not to smile, I could see it.

'Shit I forgot about Harry'

'Well thanks'

"Well, Um yeah we're together." I shyly replied, turning a little to hide the blush I felt creeping up my neck.

"And when did this happen?"

"Two days ago, he walked me home when you called and he asked me to the Winter Ball. And when I ran off I ended up at his place." I explained leaving out that I slept in his room, on his bed, with him and we kissed.

"Do you have feelings for him?" OK that's it.

"You know what he's up stairs and we have some homework to get done so I'm just gonna go..." I slowly walked backwards towards the stairs.

"But you didn-"

"Bye daddy." I ran up the steps taking two at a time.

When I reach my room I hurried in. I shut the door, turned around, and I was greeted with the sight of Harry laid on my bed laughing like a lunatic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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