Chapter 7: The Dress

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"What about this one guys?" Mindy asked for the zillionth time today as she stepped out of the dressing room in a floor length gold sweetheart neckline dress.

When me and Harry woke this morning we still had two classes left so we decided to just stay there and I would meet up with Mindy, and apparently the other girls, after her last class.

We have been shopping for three hours now and I still haven't even started. Mindy keeps going through dresses and its starting to piss me off.

"It looks amazing Minnie. Why don't you get it?" I say stopping from looking in the racks with Alex and Carter.

"I don't know.....Sid what do you think?" Mindy turned to our irritated friend, who sat with her already paid for dress.

"I think if you don't pick a dress soon you won't live long enough to go to the dance." Sid gritted through her teeth.

"OK OK calm down. I like this one so maybe I should get it." Mindy turned back towards me.

"Did you find a dress yet?" She asked me.

I sighed heavily, "No, I can't find one that just screams 'Buy Me'." I sat in the chair by the dressing room, resting my head on one hand atop my knee.

"Well what color do you wanna ware?" Carter asked.

"I definitely want it to be bright and red an orange so it resemble fire." I answer with a small smile.

"OK what length?" This time Alex turned to me.

"uh short but not to short. Like just about knee length."

"Like that?" Sid asked while pointing to a dress the woman, who worked here, just put on the manikin by the front window.

"Oh my gosh, that's it that's the dress." I say approaching the manikin and taking the dress over to show them.(A/N dress at the top ^)

"Go try it on." Alex order as Sid and Mindy, who has finished picking a dress, push me in a dressing room.

I strip out of my clothes for yesterday and slid the dress on with ease.

"It's a perfect fit!" I squeal.

"Come out so we can see it." Mindy called.

"So how do I look?" I asked girls as I stepped out in my dream dress.





"Really?" I asked not holding back the smile.

"Yes" i heard a semi deep voice say. I looked past the girls to see Harry and the boys standing there with smiles on their faces.

"You look incredible." Harry steps forward and takes my hand in his.

"Awww" the girls coo when I blush.

"Thanks" I smile at him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Carter turned to the boys.

"Well we were out helping Harry find a suit, with no luck, when we saw Mira's hair through the window." Niall spoke up.

"I wanted to check on you, make sure you're ok." Harry whispered in my ear.

"Yeah I'm OK, thanks for checking on me." I whispered back.

"Your welcome love." I definitely did not feel my heart leap out of my chest when he called me love. Nope didn't happen.

"Hey Harry I think I found you a suit." Liam said while approaching Harry and I with a nice black tux minus the tie.

"Liam this one is great but I still need a bowtie." Harry said as he took the suit from Liam.

"Mira already has one for you." Alex said reaching into my bag and pulling out the small box that contained the vibrant scarlet orange Bowtie I bought from a different shop we went to earlier.

"Go try it on." I told Harry.

We waited a couple minutes before Harry emerged from the dressing room in the tux with the bowtie hanging loosely around his neck.

"Would you mind?" Harry looked at me and gestured towards the tie.

"Not at all." I smiled at him and walked over tying the bowtie perfectly.

"You two are so cute." Alex said as I finished tying.

"We know." Harry and I answered simultaneously.

"OK go change so you can pay for those outfits and we can finally go get our shoes." Mindy shooed Harry and I back into the dressing rooms.

We payed for our things then headed to the shop next to Barney's ice cream parlor.

"Mira I think these glitter heels would go perfect with your dress." Carter said while holding up a pair of silver glittery heels.

"I love these." I said examining the shoes only to see that they cost to much.

I sighed.

"Babe what's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Their to much."

"Do you like these?"

"I love them."

"Then its settled you ware these." Harry took the shoes from me and walked over to the cashier.

"Harry I can't afford those."

"Good thing I'm paying." He smiled at me.

"Really? You'd buy them for me?" I looked up at Harry with the biggest smile I have ever had.

"Yu got me my bowtie, it would be rude of me not to repay you. Plus I love seeing my girlfriend happy." Harry payed the cash for my shoes and then handed them to me.

"Girlfriend?" I teased trying to hide my smile as best I could.

Harry grabbed my free hand and pulled me closer to him.

"Yes girlfriend, problem?" Harry smirked at me.

"Nope, no problem." I smiled up at him.

"Good" He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before the others walkd over and payed for their things.

"Ice cream anyone?" Louis asked as we made our way out the door, Harry's arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

We all agreed to get some ice cream before heading home.

Harry refused to let me go back to his house so I talked him into coming home with me.

Time to face the truth.


Alright as promised here is the I'm sorry present chapter.

It's late and I'm tired so goodnight.

Byyyye <3

P.s the link is for the shoes Mira is wearing.

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