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It was oddly sunny today given that it's the middle of winter in Brightwood you would think that it be raining, I'm not complaining it's just odd. Today is the day I'm going to retake my school picture. I have to retake because after a small food fight in the lunch room I took my first picture in apple sauce, half a carton of milk and watermelon.

I'm in the back seat of my mommy's car riding to school.

"Mommy this shirt is ugly why do I have to wear it" The five year old version of me complained to my mom driving the white Chevy Camaro my daddy bought her for her birthday last year.

"Mira your grandmother made you that shirt and it would mean a lot to her if you wore it for your pictures" my mother explained for the fifth time that day.

"but it's ugly mommy, I DON'T WANNA WEAR IT I DON'T WANNA WEAR IT" I started chanting over and over while slamming my baby fist into the front seat.

"Mira Elizabeth Cooper you stop it right now, I mean it" my mother said loosing her patients with me, while I yelled a simple No and continued my tantrum.

"Mira please dear don't be difficult"

"But" Punch "I" Punch "don't" Punch " wan-" All of a sudden there was this flash of light and and the car flipped over. Tumbling of the road and down the hill.

"Mira" My mother yelled while climbing into the backseat. My mother rapped her arms around me and said to hold on tight then I blacked out. When I woke up I was laying on the roof of the car which was now upside down at the bottom of the hill. I could her people in the distance asking if we were ok some yelling to call 911. I wasn't even paying attention to them my only concern was finding my mother.

"mommy, mommy where are you?" I kept repeating over and over ignoring the pain I was feeling in my head.I climbed out the car window and what I saw made me want to scream and cry bloody murder. At first I told myself it wasn't real I was just a little dizzy from the crash, that what I'm seeing was just my imagination, but as I got closer it was becoming more and more real to me. There laid on the ground not far from the car was my mother with blood running down her face and part of the car door in her right side. Her nice white blouse ruin and covered in her blood. I dropped to the ground next to her.

"No, No mommy wake up, Come on mommy wake up"I shook my mother over and over again but no matter what I did she refused to awaken.

"No,No please mommy please wake up" I stopped shaking my mother and started to hug her crying my eyes out. "HELP, HELP PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP US" I started to scream. I could here the ambulance sirens coming our way, my mother wasn't breathing and the pain in my head was becoming to much to handle. I could feel my breathing start to slow down, everything started to spin. The last thing I remember seeing is some strangers rushing towards us before I blacked out for good.

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up breathing heavy sweat beading on my face." Not again" I mumble to myself. That is the third time this week that I've had that nightmare, and what makes it worse is that I actually lived it. I rolled over seeing my clock read 6:30 am, I knocked my alarm clock off the night stand groaning about how much I hate school. With the flick of my wrist I use my telekinesis to put my clock back and open the violet and black shades in my room. I roll out of bed and begin my day by stubbing my big toe on the stupid bed post. Before I could even mumble a simple ouch Cruella decided to make my morning worst by popping up for a visit.

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