Chapter 1: My Life

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I hate school, I mean come on what seventeen year old would love to be woken up at six in the morning and spend eight hours of their day in hell. You would have to be fucking insane to love school.

"Don't you guys just love school." or you could be my dorky best-friend Alex. Alex Westly is like the one girl in our group, actually correction she is the one girl in the world that loves school. In our little group she is the nerdy one. The girls and I are on our way to hell on this fine Monday morning.

" Yeah Alex we just love to roll out of bed at six o'clock in the fucking morning and spend half the day with jackass teachers, wanna be barbie's, asshole jocks and snotty noise nerds." Sid replied with the most sarcastic tone I have ever heard. Sid Faith my partner in crime. Sid is the only one of the girls who would be brave enough to pull a kick-ass prank with me.

"Jeez Sid what crawled up and bit your ass this morning?" I asked my irritated friend with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah did your dog die or something." Carter asked with a gaze similar to mine. Carter Knight is the girl in our group that loves to party hard. The last party we went to with her wasn't to good on her record. We took three shots and then she went missing for the rest of the night, we found her the next day past out by the pool with a new tattoo on her left ankle that said 'Bad bitch' in cursive. Hey go hard or go home right.

"Devon stopped by my house last night at 2 in the fucking morning and decided to cause a fucking scene so bad Max and Josh almost kicked his ass and my mom had to call the cops." Sid said in a dull voice. Max is Sid's new stepdad and Josh is his 19 year old son. They just moved in with Sid and her mom last month.

"you have got to be kidding me I swear I'm going to kick his ass myself. Doesn't he know when to quit?"Mindy growled. I would say Mindy is the more responsible one in the group. She is always there for us like a big sister even though I'm older then her by a few months.

"Please Mindy this is Devon where talking about. The same guy that thought it be cool to start a school bikini magazine." I said rolling my eyes at the memory of dumb-ass Devon running around school trying to get people to sign his patition, and of course the jocks signed the bloody thing.

The girls and I laugh as we enter hell. I signed before beginning my Monday rant.

"Brightwood High home of the worlds most jackass teachers stuck up wanna-be barbs and idiot jocks."I stated with the biggest fake grin on my face while the girls walk behind me and laugh at my stupid usual rant.

"Good morning to you to miss Cooper." Principal Mortimer waved as he left his office for his usual morning stroll around the school.

"Morty you and I both know that there is nothing good about this Monday morning." I said pating his shoulder, the girls dying of laughter in the background.

"Miss Cooper," he started as he took my hand off his shoulder." how many times do I have to tell you to call me Principal Mortimer like everyone else."

" Oh come on Morty you know you love the nick name." I stated trying hard not to laugh at the irritated expression on his face.

"Good day miss Cooper, girls." he nodded and began on his way down the hall.

I walked up to the girls and we headed towards our lockers which were all next to each-other. We grabbed our books and headed our separate ways, Mindy and I had chemisty Carter gym Alex and Sid history Mindy, of course, just had to bring up the dance next week and how I have no choice but to go no exceptions.

"I don't wanna go, what part of that don't you get?" I stated as we sat in our seats at the back of class.

"bec-" Mindy started but was interrupted by the bell and our chem teacher Mr.Turner.

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