Chapter 1: The First Friendship

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Setting: Furro's room.

Desc:  Furro and F!Reader are roommates, they have been friends for at least 2 years now. There have been a few intimate moments between the two but they usually brush it off.


Furro was streaming as usual when his best friend F!Reader walked into his room. She was as nice as ever placing a batch of cookies for him in a bowl. Although F!Reader made a batch of cookies that had  stuff that you put on cookies... she is terrible at cooking. "I made you cookies!" F!Reader says setting down the bowl next to Furro. "Oh. T-thanks?" Furro says in confusion. The cookies don't actually look that bad! For the first time... Furro takes a small bite at first... and the cookies taste like shit. Furro chokes the cookie out and F!Reader runs to get a cup of water. Although, before she can, Furro vomits into a rubbish bin. She gives Furro some water and he runs to the restroom before she can. F!Reader just wants to give Furro some water. :(


Furro yelled in confusion while drinking the cup of water. F!Reader was shocked at how disgusted Furro was at her cookies. Although, she knows that her cooking sucks more balls than anyone can suck. "Why are you yelling?!"  She also yelled. "Why are YOU yelling?!" Furro yelled back. "NO I ASKED FIRST!"  F!Reader said with a hint of annoyance. "I ASKED SECOND!!!"

This continued on for around 2 hours before they settled down. Of course they sat in silence because they literally had an argument that led on for 2 hours before calming down. "Okay, what did you put in the cookies?" Furro asks turning his head to look at F!Reader. F!Reader had her arms crossed and she didn't answer for a hot minute. "I put fish in it." She finally answers. In which Furro face palms. Putting fish into cookies wasn't the best thing to do. "God damn." Furro mutters to himself and F!Reader laughs. "And I thought fish with anything was delicious!" Furro also laughs. "It was raw fish." "Oh my god! Seriously?!" This conversation is... very great. "Keep the cooking to me..." Furro grins and gets up. He says goodbye to his stream and then goes into the kitchen. F!Reader stays in Furro's room sitting on his bed.

"I should help him around the house.. even though I work with him also, I don't think he gets a profit from streaming. Although, I guess he likes streaming on Youtube." F!Reader laughs to herself, "Maybe I should also work to earn money. If I can pay the bills, he can stream more... Alright, I've made my decision. I'm getting a job that pays well. But, I wonder if he'll enjoy that."

F!Reader smiles and then gets up. She also walks into the kitchen to help Furro with the cooking. Although she's probably just going to sit by the sidelines since she's burned water before...

F!Reader sits on the couch sadly while watching Furro cook. Even though it's not exactly the most fun thing to do while waiting, she just watches Furro intently. After a few minutes, Furro notices F!Reader watching him. "Are you just going to sit and watch?" Furro laughs. F!Reader pouts. "Am I not allowed to?" "Woah, why so defensive?" "No reason... Alright, I might be a bit sad that I can't help you." F!Reader replies in a quiet voice. Furro laughs slightly and just continues cooking. "Well, you did burn water before. And, you kind of... suck at cooking. Sorry I'm so straight-forward." Furro says after a few moments. F!Reader looks down and then says, "May I... talk to you about something?" "Sure, what is it?"

"If it's alright with you, I'm going to be getting a job to pay the bills. You know, you really seem to enjoy streaming so... I think I might be able to get a job while you can just stream."

Furro pauses for a few seconds. A!Note: He thinks before answering, such a good femboy, huh? He's so good at this. Thinking before answering.


F!Reader smiles and then nods. "It's decided then!" Before F!Reader gets up, she asks, "Although, could you... do me a favor? I uhm, need help with something." Furro smiles at F!Reader and then says, "Of course, you're going to help me in my career anyways, right?" F!Reader smiles at Furro too and then nods. "Yup, I am!"


Total Words: 751

A!Note: Not sure if I'll be continuing this, I didn't even have much motivation to finish this single one. Oh well!

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